Cross faction collusion on PvP Servers?

Of course they are, otherwise it’d just be a completely mess of a show in AQ.
Otherwise, you’re looking at 1-2 people at opening the gong instead of 10-12.

Move server if you dont like the server easy

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It’s the same on every server.


This is too good! :heart_eyes:


Are you sure its not that after some fighting it developed to a state of “don’t attack the big enemy group, because then we can’t farm anything”?

Blizzard made the Bnet ID, theyd have to ban themselves.

It’s basically just that on every realm.
The big guilds are the ones dominating the race.
Either we work together, or it’ll take months to even open AQ.

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Legend xD

Since I don’t care much if I get banned on Blizzards forum, MEOW and Exploding Labrats are in on the take along with the… others not mentioned here :slight_smile:

It takes less than a glance to see who is working together. They are not even trying to hide it by this point.

Sad to see overall, especially on Shazz. I too expected Blizzard to do something about it, but hey that would require investing some funds on staff. Cant have that, too busy pretending to care. Horrible company.

Id be fine if the Guilds kept away from one another and just farmed and defended their spots. But you will see Alliance Guilds sheeping Horde to heal them up. Using Mind control as well to heal them mid pvp and keep them alive. Going thru the hives ignoring said Guilds and going all out for anyone not part of their colluding group.


I completely agree with the author of the post! This morning I thought everything would be fine, I’ll play, I’ll start farming … and here are 5 guilds … The mood has dropped … If the participants of this show are not banned for 3 months, I will be very disappointed in the game and the company as a whole


I completely agree. This defeats the point of the Bang a Gong quest (which is a race, not intended for everyone to win) and more importantly, the point of PvP servers.

These guilds are essentially recruiting the enemy faction to kill players of their own faction, because they can’t do so themselves. Goes completely against the spirit of PvP servers and the Alliance vs Horde faction system.

It’s clearly exploitative but I can’t see them doing anything about it because there’s not enough people reporting them, and Blizzard won’t go out of their way to punish paying customers without good reason.

But the saddest part about this is that players who are new to vanilla get a completely hollow experience of the game once again. This event was one of the coolest things in the game, now it’s a sad mafia system for people to get a mount and nothing else.


I see what you did there, good job on calling them out. :joy:


That’s why this time around the "scarab lord"s don’t mater. This is the same as the bots that grind the lotus or the devilsaur mafia. In a way it’s pathetic. And before someone says “well you can’t do it so that’s why…” no. The point of the gong is to reward the best and even more so on PvP servers. This is a fixed race. Not impressed by mafia grinders.

Yeah, I agree, and it’s sad that people ruined this event for themselves, but it’s even sadder that they ruined it for new players.

On some servers there’ll be 20+ Black Qiraji Battle Tanks, it won’t be anywhere near as memorable. A new player going into Silithus to try this quest out will be met with legions of opposite faction players ganking him at his own faction’s behest.

All because some people don’t want to participate in a legitimate competition for a unique reward. Truly sad.


I completely agree with all you said but it is nearly always like that: the weak minded take the lamest path toward the goal while what matter is the path to it… yet that and self respect is a concept too hard to grasp obviously nowaday.:wink:

Atleast we can easily say than most of those using this mount mark themselves as lamers, look at me i took every possible shorcut for an ugly mount !( it’s quite ugly, not even close to wow top 50 mount)

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Do you guys remember the days, when each server actually had Game Masters. A title made by blizzard, serving hard working people who monitored the game, and made sure it was played fairly?

Lotus mafia and devilsaur mafia i really dont care about. People can grind gold elsewhere, and buy these consumables and mats. it’s not denying anyone from getting the items. However this massive colluding is basically 1 guy telling people they can’t play the game how they want to play it, so he can play the game, how he wants to play it.

If you are not a friend of the colluding horde and alliance guilds, they will do everything in their power to prevent you from getting even a chance at gettings mobs. i’ve been camped and griefed by alliance the last 12 hours (my own faction). Everywhere i went, alliance followed me, and out of nowhere 20+ hordes came.
I brought in a raid of 30+ hordes, and i was met with an alliance whispering me “Ur dead GL” and 50+ hordes showed up.

Having no layers on the server makes it even worse. If we had like 20 layers in silithus zone alone. Guilds would actually have a shot at doing this grind as a community and enjoy the game, rather than having this massive letdown


Not only that they don’t attack each other and just let other faction players pass through to kill their own, they also give info about their own faction members’ location to the enemy faction guilds that they collaborate with constantly to get rid of tagging.

And if you find this surprising let me tell you this: They actually help enemy faction players when they see pvp combat. Like consciously breaking CC’s so that you lose the fight and die.

Just a very lil proof of hundreds of these I saw and experienced in silithus yesterday:

That is the great world of WARcraft classic community for ya :smiley: And the amazing “world pvp” that some people are so proud of.


Funny how people have been raging because newer expansions, specially prior to BfA, had Alliance and Horde helping eachother versus bigger threats.
“We are playing World of Warcraft, not Peacecraft”.

And here we are in Classic, sharing the land and singing “Kumbaya”.

Yes this :poop: is obviously against ToS, but Blizzard is obviously not going to do anything about it.


Not happy? Try PvE servers. The solution is right there.

What did you think was going to happen? That the player base of the same faction will work together to achieve a common goal? This is 2020, not 2002.

Why should they care about any of you? They spent all that effort to complete the questline, days, weeks, months, countless amount of money and you think they should say “oh let that guy be, otherwise he will feel sad” ?

All i read from people’s comments was “i cant achieve it myself so i have to tear others down”

Grow up people. If you dont like it, pve option is always available. Deal with it.


Do you know what cross faction collusion means and do you also know what PvP means?