And should such a dreaded covenant be formed… Maintained… Then shall our purpose be served… Should the decrepit remains of the deathly cult join us… And the shadowy designs of the hammer. Then… Then shall our vision for existence come to fruition.
What is this community?
In short, this is a community for those rp’ing evil characters. Specifically those of the fel/legion inclined, as well as cult of the damned and twilight hammer, though individuals are welcome as long as you align with the general theme.
The concept is that, under a neo-shadow council, a dread covenant has been proposed… Considering the decline and semi-extinction these groups have faced, a resurgent force of apocalyptic fel users have decided to seek common ground with the two groups to further their own plans, and no doubt politics will play a large part as the groups jockey for their own designs.
Who can join?
Anyone that rp’s an evil character and is a pariah to the their factions should their true allegiances be found out. It is not strictly open to just cult shadow council/Cult of the Damned/Twilight Hammer rp’ers, but individuals too. The only requirement is you are evil and have a desire for some apocalyptic future.
How will it work?
As a community, it will be quite relaxed and not too demanding, though I do plan to host some events or meetings, especially an initial one to declare the covenant. Perhaps even an emissary of the different groups will be decided.
With this in mind, IC we can work together for IC events, perhaps in campaigns or personal RP. It’s really just fun flavour to be had.
How do I join?
You can join either through the ingame community, by adding my (Malignancy#2174) or by joining our discord and seeking entry.
Thanks for reading.