Cross-faction guilds scare me out as a pvpe'r

I know that story content is following paradigm “alliance and horde are best friends” but pvp should have its separate concept where horde and alliance are fighting each other as enemies. I play only with warmode on, killing hordes every time i see them, running alliance premades in Bgs and the idea of devs changing WARcraft to LOVEcraft seriously scares me and my friends off.
CAN we please keep factions fighting each other without crossing mergers for random Bgs, skirmishes and open world pvp? I fully agree that for solo shuffle and Rated BGs cross-faction is justified - iam myself also playing SS and RBgs and i know why it was made. But other types of pvp has no reason to destroy the origin lore of WARcraft which is based on horde vs alliance concept regardless of the story content changes.
Based on that i have few practical questions regarding cross-faction guilds impacting pvp:

  1. If being under enabled warmode i will meet in an open world a horde player which is in the same guild as iam, will i be able to kill him?
  2. Will alliance players be able to group up and queue random Bgs/other types of non-rated pvp as a premade with horde players from the same guild?
  3. If, for example iam attacked by two horde players 2vs1, but nearby there will be another alliance player, will he be able to help me and make it 2v2 if both horde players and an alliance player who saw a 2vs1 fight are from the same guild?

A faction merge wont change this. All instanced PvP is is a play for reliving past battles anyway, so it wont ruin any lore whether you end up on team Alliance or team Horde anyway.

The details are still getting worked out, but I assume that the Horde guildie will be attackable as long as both is in warmode without being in same party.

A guild premade group with both Horde and Alliance players on the same team? Should be a possibility, but we do not know the details yet.

Again we do not know the details that still is in the works, but as long as said Alliance players also is in warmode without being in party with the Horde guildie, one could assume that the Alliance player could help you.

But then again, why would they? It is open world PvP after all, and the Horde guild player might be doing a PvP objective. I as an Alliance guildie wouldn’t interfere as objectives are objectives. Helping guildies goes above enforcing ‘fair’ open world PvP.

WoW open world PvP is not going away regardless of changes. I remember Joe Allan Brack’s speech in an anniversary video, he was talking about stats.

“You players killed 200000 bosses”

“500000 people died in world pvp”

It is great content for many people even for casuals.

I suspect pvp will change from being factional to “you can kill other players not in your group, and they can kill you”

Personally I hope warmode is being replaced altogether by two new modes:

  • Team blue vs team red - random assignment per player/group entity.
  • All vs all - attackable by and can attack everyone in this mode or general /pvp enabled.

executes order 66 on pvp and wipes it out …

Personally I wouldn’t be opposed to them removing PVP as part of the Cross Faction friendliness.

PVP just isn’t a fun pass time that it used to be. So in my opinion it should just be scrapped and put back to the way it was in Vanilla.

Can only point out this. PvPers are living in the past. Instanced PvP has nothing to do with current lore.
Otherwise, PvP should no longer exist, because Horde and Alliance have a truce and everybody breaking it would be punished.

Open World PvP could be switched according to that: enabling “War Mode” should brand you as an outlaw who does no longer offically belong to either of the factions and just fights whoever they meet. Guess past faction ties or racial ties could make it possible to team up with others, but lore wise it would make you a criminal to practise open world PvP.

Mhh. Cant really punish someone that eats world ending threats for breakfast.

Only place where it becomes tricky is when NPC Guards are involved but if its just Player vs Player then the leaders of the factions dont really have anything to say. At least not as far as the Champions are concerned unless they have a death wish.

Lore wise only one person like this exists for the story campaign. PvPers are just “random soldiers”, otherwise there weren’t enough to fill whole military units to fight battles. It’s just another game mode thing that takes PvPers out of the current lore.

1 per class minus evoker. So at least 12. Besides the Heroes always have their “raid group” with them. And said hero would be included in a pvp battle anyway.

I mean us corpse running is canon. So not neccesarily.

Lorewise could just excuse it in a way of “meh these heroes are strange. They like to bash one another. Dunno why. Maybe it keeps their skills sharp? Just let them as long as its among themselves”

Besides openworld, pvp has been cross faction since TBC, so cross faction is not a threat for PVP

A lot of people have been complaining they they get placed in shards with nothing but the opposite faction, wouldn’t it just make sense to have Warmode as a free for all at this point? You can attack anybody regardless of faction as long as you aren’t in a group with them. Two birds with one stone.

im not a hardcore pvper but i do like bgs alot. So if pvp would get removed i would be way less likely to play wow and if i would play i would get a burn out much faster because i cant do pvp for fun when im tired of the same 8 dungeons

here, do not skip next time

You mean none.
You can go back and do old raids and tell me which boss we, the player, canonically kill.

Because as far as I remember, it won’t be a bunch of raid bosses, more like a small number you can count with both hands.

The Lich King killed us, and Tirion Fordring saved us.
We assisted Kalecgos against Kil’Jaeden in TBC.
We managed to subdue Yogg Saron with the help of the titans and their minions who blessed us with powers.
Deathwing was destroyed with assist of the Dragon Soul and the aspects who empowered us during the fight.
Maiev stunlocked Illidan for us and we just dealt the killing blow. He was about to wipe us until Maiev steps in.
Kael’thas was beat thanks to the legendary weapons his lieutenants left for us to use.

Etc etc.

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