If this is going to be the case , then make world pvp in warmode a thing, and make it reward conquest
in this case there is no reason to play in warmode if you aren’t willing to pvp
I think merging the factions and making warmode a free-for-all might actually be fun.
And Cross Faction PvP.
That sounds like a total mayhem.
I think if merging the factions then ending PVP would be the best way to go :).
Nah, merging factions does not equals removing PvP.
It does sound like a fun concept until you realize that little Jimmy is gonna be overrun by a 40man group constantly which has always been the issue with world pvp. Bigger group = more zerg
I’m not saying that’s what it equals… I’m just saying that’s what they should do.
Please don’t merge factions… I don’t want stinky orcs in my cities
I do however want to be able to play with all players in the game, so please do allow us to form x-faction groups for all instanced content.
“All vs All” makes you attack and be attacked by any other players with this mode enabled, or any other PvP modes that makes you attackable enemies for each other.
there are pvp world quests like this in shadowlands and they definitely don’t work, people make groups and agree to not attack each other and 5v1 everyone else

Please don’t merge factions… I don’t want stinky orcs in my cities
nobody said anything about being in the enemy capital city

merging factions does not equals removing PvP.
ideally the merge will exist when warmode is turned off
You cannot join a group while warmode is active
Easy fix

You cannot join a group while warmode is active
Easy fix
So, no playing with friends?
Doesn’t sound like a good idea.
I mean hanging out on discord, roaming around with friends that are able to just murder you sounds entertaining tbh.

You cannot join a group while warmode is active
But that also hurts PvE content. You’ll no longer be able to do dungeons with friends unless you turn off your warmode so if you happen to enjoy playing with warmode you not get extra steps between every single dungeon.
Buff rewards, have pvp wqs /events on zones like in bfa free for all War mode and it will be glorious.
Lol that reminds me a bit about avp where we were all predators with that plasma cannon and we had a frecking lightshow down in the basement.

I think merging the factions and making warmode a free-for-all might actually be fun.
I disagree. That is the pendulum swinging too far in the opposite direction.
I can almost guarantee that warmode will remain as is, they will simply prevent you from turning warmode on if you are in a party with a member of the opposite faction and if you have it on, not allow you to invite that member of the opposite faction.
Cross-faction PVE is not the end of the faction conflict. Lorewise, it is best explained by the ‘top’ heroes of Azeroth being able to put aside their differences and work together for a common cause. The masses of the Horde and the Alliance will still hate each other and struggle against each other.
Simply have it so uou can turn off warmode anywhere in the world and can turn it on in any safe zone.
There is literally only bad arguments for having PvP if they decide to turn the game into WorldofEveryoneIsNowAtPeaceWithOtherCraft.
So nahh, If they Do the stupid minority act on Making the Game No Factions nonsense, then PvP should also be erased from exsistence in general.
As proud servant of Nzoth give rewards and i kill everyone faction does not matter in war mode to me and many xD.