Cross Faction Random RP Encounters! - Tell your stories!

First of all I want to say I am loving this servers spirit so far. It’s been years since I truly enjoyed role-playing and everyone I have interacted with so far have been great. Keep it up guys!

I wanted to make this topic after a Random encounter I had in Ratchet with some of the horde.

Myself and a Friend were role-playing a little trip hunting for potion reagents. We found what we needed and searched Ratchet for an Alchemy Lab. Upon entering one of the Buildings we were followed by a pair of Tauren and every time me and my friend tried to leave they kept moving to stand in front of us. Naturally we took this Icly and it went on for a few minutes with various emotes of insults and glares at us and eventually I opted to duel one of them which they obliged us and were able to chase them away from the door to make a gap to exit. We then spent the next few minutes dueling each other outside and by the end there was clearly a mutual respect for on another with some bows and fond farewells

Things like this are why I love RP so much. Shout out to Tommytotem and Hammerhoof, you guys made my night!

Who else wants to share a random cross faction RP encounter they had on ZT? :smiley:


I encounter similar and other funny hordes events almost every day. I even made it a part of my character’s story, it changes his views on the Horde and the War, and leads him to changing his behavior (for what Captain Trovakt has already promised to relief this world from my miserable existance). I mean, any RP is great, and RPing with hordes using only body language is something. I wonder how far it can go, really.

Well I’m constantly corpse camped by the alliance…

I have similar issues with the Horde. Doesn’t mean there aren’t any good ones though. :>

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