Cross faction

Mister ION, tear down this wall !

Sounds like a LFR hero.

Trikle down down to NM raiding. Yeah, there are no issues at all. Enjoy going to goldshire Inn.

Except when 1 faction is near complete depletion, which means the game no longer functions as a 2 game factions. Would you imagine U.K without labor ? That’d be the same with factions.

Let’s all move Horde !! Oh wait, pvp players are going to QQ and cry aboot the lack of alliance players !! Oh no worries, there is the official cross faction PVP, aka merc.

You and your kind of player fail to answer one single question : what’s the difference between merc, cross faction PVE and every single Alliance main moving Horde ? There are factually none, besides looks.


Indeed, there isn’t. But they’ve been on it for a few expansions now, they aren’t starting to think about it now. :slight_smile:

Some form of mercenaries is pretty much what everyone here wants. As long as I can play keys with horde friends as an alliance player, I’m happy. I will still happily murder them in the open world if they happen to have WM on.

Now, there’s the thing. The Horde Hall of Fame filled a long time ago. The alliance? Just now. This has been the case for quite a few expansions now.

More like top100+ mythic raiding guilds.

Did he clear mythic raid? If not, he can’t be top 200.

That’s not what everyone is saying. They are really justifying it how “Faction War is a thing of a past” and that is why “Plug the switch, allow everyone to play with everyone”. Story for naive fools and teenage dreamers.

Yes, but what? This rather sounds like a complaint “Make Alliance Great Again” by stealing Horde players. We play Horde because we know what it takes. Alliance does not.

You might say I’m a dreamer… but I’m not the only one.

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Then go ahead, make my day : link his char and his guild.

Because Horde stole our players in the first place.

Sing with me, sing for a year
Sing for the laughter, and sing the tear
Sing with me, if it’s just for today
Maybe tomorrow, the good Lord will take you away

I just think players need more incentives to play alliance. I have tried in the past as i have a few irl friends that play alliance but couldnt really connect with any of the race options.

I was hoping they were going to get vrykul as an allied race but they got fat humans instead :joy:

No, we play horde because that’s where all of our friends migrated to, because their guild couldn’t recruit on alliance side.

You’re misinterpreting. The faction war is a thing of the past, what with having worked together for a common goal for quite a few expansions, and faction leaders being BFFs. Doesn’t mean there can’t be skirmishes and battles. It only means that there’s no reason in lore why a Gnome can’t befriend a Tauren. And if there’s no reason in lore not to, why can’t we, the players, team up for a common goal like our faction leaders do?

Not to mention that we had cross-faction groups in the game pretty much since launch (earthen ring, argent crusade, and so on), so it wouldn’t be unheard of for members of opposite faction working together, towards a common goal. If NPCs can do that, why can’t we, the players, do the same?

Many of us would gladly play alliance. But when all your friends migrate to horde 'cos their guild can’t recruit on alliance side, you follow along and go horde too.

Would I be able to team up with horde friends, I’d be back on ally side in a heartbeat.


When I say “a dreamer” and “naive” I mean on this - Whoever says that “they get along with everyone”, they are plain lying. Hence, I think that conflict is extremely part of the lore.

Just google up. I don’t need to link you anything.

You haven’t say his name nor guild name.

And members of the horde and the alliance working together for a common goal is equally part of the lore.

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Right, I haven’t. And you didn’t google up anything either.

Yes but not all Horde and not all Alliance. Essential difference. Exceptions never defined the rules.

And we ain’t asking for all members of the horde and the alliance to become BFFs either. We’re asking to have the same options the NPCs do.

I googled, “Feltwist’s alliance friend” returned no results. Can I safely assume your friend is imaginary, then?


The problem has become a lot worse and thats been acknowledged. It’s gotten to the stage where it will be addressed soon™ or it will affect the health of the game even more.

Your response is just “yea yea man its always been like that”. Great nuance and insight.


I typed in Feltwist-twisting-nether and… No response. Hum… So should I search faction imbalance! It exists! Should I search amount of necessary players for rp then?

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i find this example hard to compare to wow.

and btw, labor party was created in the early 20th century. many parties existed before that.
can you imagine the united states with the GOP (republicans) ? guess what, the party was created for the civil war, its first president and party leader was Lincoln. parties before it (like the wig party) are gone from existence, including pro-slavery parties in the north.
no country has the same political party since its inception. yes, even china.

to your points- not enough players ? well… big whoop. its not blizzard fault many players follow top guilds because they think they will become the “top dogs” if they are on the same faction.

who is those ‘everyone’ you speak of ?
i hate words like ‘everyone’ or ‘we’ and sometimes even ‘most’. speak for yourself.
because i do not share your ideas of “lets abandon wow structure because made the wrong decision long ago when i created my character”. you want faction transfer, the service exist. you are just being cheap for not using it.