This is a good compromise IMO to the population issues on realms and dying populations, we’re seeing more and more of a realm wide approach.
I do hope that means crafting will go region wide too.
That means for now, the AH and mailbox is the only part of the game in which the realms exist individually (except commodities AH), and that is diminished given we have cross-realm trading. For any other purposes, we are playing like the game was a mega-server.
Definitely taking steps in that direction.
This is kinda Huge when you think about it. No more Paid realm transfers!
Thats gotta hit them in the pocket.
Nice change!
Will make recruiting so much easier too as well as giving players a huge choice of guilds.
I wonder why did they take so long? As in: What were the technical reasons that did not allow them to have guilds from other realms.
As in: I can play with people from germany or france, but somehow I cant invite them to my guild?
Im just curious. Anybody know?
Now I can make alts on any server and be in my guild! I can’t stand the scrolling bar.
Now that I think about it, maybe cross-realm guild won’t be the only change that reduces the barrier between realms.
Warband will have its own bank shared across all realms. This bank won’t be limited to crafting material, and they haven’t mentioned there is any limitation. It also allows us to put gold there.
So, it seems it will be possible to move gold and items across realms with this. With this, cross-realm mailing won’t be needed. It’s what they said at the Blizzcon that they want to break the barriers, but the system was not created with that in mind so instead of changing the mail system to work cross-realm, it could be easier to make a new cross-realm system with the warband bank.
So… what’s the point of realms now? Can we make all 60 in one server last I checked it was still z50
the fact that there’s still no announcement for cross faction rdf is insane .
tech reasons probably
You can have 60 per realm, in case you weren’t aware.
Wasnt sure if that changed too. Tbh havent got gt close to 50 characters any more
It wasn’t that long ago they finally updated it.
Each Realm is a blade. They have to store the character data in a way that they can retrieve it quickly or you would be eternally waiting for your bank to open.
If you havent seen it already this details some of the tech behind the servers its interesting to see.
This is kinda old so might be out of date by now but probably not too different.
Huge. People won’t need to move realms anymore and guilds on low populated servers aren’t doomed cause of the realm population.
It is the end of realms though. I guess they are just there for saving character names now. Would be cool if they could put everyone together on a mega server but oh well…
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