Cross-realm trading is temporarily disabled

We’ve identified an issue with cross-realm trading that requires us to temporarily disable the function.

We’re working on a fix, and until we’re finished with that work, cross-realm trading should fail when attempted.

We’ll let you know as soon as we’re done.

Thank you!


While you are on it, what about Warbanks at that point?
No eta since yesterdays “we’ll disabling it until fixed”.


Hey, can you please hire some competent QAs?
Every single feature patch has been a disaster so far.


We’re the QA Testers don’t cha know?

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you could have released the new expansion in November or December like always…everything will be full of problems with every update and we pay to test the product for you.


While you’re at it, can you also look into the further busted scaling in MoP: Remix?

at this point we should ask what isnt broken…


2 months shorter alpha/beta/release cycle than ever before is why we get all these problems. I was waiting for november launch too.

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will this thread be updated once resolved?


What is the purpose of beta and alpha? No, serious question


Can we get an update?

It’s been 24h since raids and mythic+ are unplayable due to this and 48h since the bug was reported.

I mean what is even the point of Beta and PTR if these basic issues come to live servers.

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Good luck lil trash panda!

Take your time. On such a critical system rather not rush the hotfix unless it really causes no further issues. No one would like to lose items due to a bug or such.

Does anyone know if it’s fixed yet? It’s probably been even longer than the previous time it’s been disabled, and while the warbank works for most stuff now, there’s still a few non-warbound items that are useful to transfer via cross realm trading, bags for example.

The issue is they didn’t enable cross-realm functionality on the beta at all. Every realm operated independently.

I imagine it was the same internally.

Stupid decision really, but it is what it is.

Did anyone check if it’s been re-enabled yet? I didn’t do any serious transfers, just moved some gems on remix and that semed to work, but I have a feeling blizzard will NOT tell us when it is, it’s up to us to check.

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