Good day, I am gm of (Russian) cross-server WPVP guild clan warsong, our community has been uniting players from different servers for more than 5 years, and we continue to recruit our lineup for active war with the alliance.
Also we looking for cooperation with another Wpvp guild.
The lag is certainly not new to BfA, it’s been happening for as long as 40-80 man Russian raids have been crashing themselves into zones. Really disheartening to see that mindless lagging en masse is something that people still want to aspire to.
There are ways to go about things without making the game unplayable for all present parties and eroding all individual effort and ability - something that inevitably happens when you reduce the game to 80+ frozen players who periodically roll a dice as to who takes more damage and healing when the servers catch up.
Since the dawn of WoW, activities like this have had exactly the same result, so to keep doing them and expect something different is now not only mad, but also willfully harmful to the state of the game - especially one that is trying to encourage parties to fight in the open world.
All you have to do is look at the YouTube videos that you’ve posted to see that nobody in them is even playing the game. I’m genuinely curious to know where the enjoyment or fulfillment is to be found.
It’s also important to consider the negative impact groups like this have individual servers/shard types, and their respective communities. Especially with the way that sharding works in the new zones, it’s incredibly easy for something like this to kill a server’s activity for as long as the group remains present.
I can appreciate the enthusiasm to take the fight out into the open world, but carefully consider whether this is genuinely the right way to go about it.
On the shards I end up on, I rarely see a 40 Horde raid, not for a long time anyway. Seen plenty Horde raids of about 30, but only now and again. I play late mind you. I actually would love to see that more often, 30 doesn’t seem to lag me much. 20v20 is more typical of what I see if bigger fight, but ye, I’m on late. 20v20 is fun, no lag.
It would be good if those that like big fights could have that more often, and those that don’t, less often. I would not want raids phased out to join enemy raids, because that removes retaliation opportunity, which is fun. Maybe have an easy mode version of WM to opt into, where raids cannot be formed and subzone phasing to limit numbers. Then normal WM can be the current chaos, love it.
Will be interesting to see numbers at 8.2 capturable objectives.