Crossrealms now

There is no classic spirit anymore with the gigaservers.
You are losing your spirit while waiting in the queue, only viable solution at this point is cross-realms.

People need to stop bit$$ing around about the classic spirit, they already made changes, there is no such thing in 2022 as classic spirit because the game was not designed for giga servers. All of you who complain want to play on the giga server because you also have a life, you are 14 years older now… most of you have a life.

Time to get real boys and embrace the only option that is cross-realms, or wait 8hrs + in que to play.

Not a fan. We’ve all seen the chaos caused by certain realms on Oribos at early mornings waiting for the vault.

Queues and Premade Groups are already cross-realm so there’s no need for this.

It would be better if cross-realm general chat was removed or changed to Realm based general chat with a secondary chat made for general Cross-Realm chat.

early mornings waiting for the vault vs 8hrs que? pick one

You failed to read correctly, so allow me to reiterate.

Shadowlands world map, group finder and premade groups are already cross-realm.

I’m saying world map shouldn’t be cross realm along with the general chat, they should have separate chats for cross-realm to keep the trolls out.

Having a limited ignore list per character with all these realms in chat is not a good idea. If they were to make everything cross-realm we would need 10x the ignore list that we have now, which already needs to be like 5x the size that it is currently due to the cross-realm chat and premades.

you can be more open to society instead of locking yourself into the “ignore limit” tower :smiley:
there are quite some great studies with how this “bubble living” makes us more toxic and unable to discuss/share ideas with people at general.

classic WoW needs cross-realms for the giga servers, period. ZERO other solution for current issue

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