Crusader Aura Talent?

So… not gonna make a 99th post about complaining about removing retribution aura, but if you guys did that, how about you make crusader aura baseline for all Paladin specs and don’t force retribution into it because there is no way in hell someone in their right mind would actually spend a point in that since it no longer gives an aura you can benefit from in combat. Yes, we can argue about how Crusader Aura has its uses but until we see Method and Echo competing on which team can farm Mythic Legacy Raids faster for xmog and mount farming it is not really an impactful talent. Oh, and if you removed the 8 yrd range on rebuke how about you tell those DKs QQing on their class forum to spec into more utility and grip that NPC casting whatever bolt, because i can no longer prevent the undergeared healer being nuked into oblivion


I think they should add a “Radiance” Aura instead of a Retribution Aura.

Aura of Radiance:

  • Triggers whenever the Paladin projecting the Aura casts Avenging Wrath (or talent alterations of it - see Crusader / Avenging Crusader / etc).
    • Depending on Avenging Wrath Version and Subtalents, this effective uptime cooldown can vary between 25s (see Radiant Glory talent) and 2 minutes.
  • Duration is 10s (maximum 20s if not using Radiant Glory talent)
  • Grants the 4 closest Allies 3% bonus Damage done/Healing received and done (similar to the 3% less damage from Aura of Devotion) (Damage/Healing based on role).
  • When applied, the players receiving the Aura buff can not get it again for 1 Minute.
  • When applied, the buff stays even when leaving the aura range for its pre-defined duration.
  • When applied, players with the buff emit a faint glow of holy light to indicate they are buffed.
  • This aura should be swapped around with the Crusader Aura in the talent tree, so Aura of Radiance requires the skill point.

That way Paladins have a “semi-buff” for a few party members, while not breaking the balance constantly.

My idea comes from Destiny 2s “Song of Flame” super ability. In that game, the Warlock class can cast that super ability, allowing other players next to them to have reduced ability cooldowns, while themselves can spam their abilities. Of course, the idea can’t be the same in WoW since reducing cooldowns with such an aura would be busted as hell, ripe for abuse in endgame content.

But a minor buff instead for a short time isn’t as dangerous, especially if it has fixed consumers (players) and doesn’t shift around if players change their proximity to the Paladin after granting the benefit.

Edit: Also, it gives Paladins the feeling of “becoming the inspiration for great deeds”.


I’d love to see this it’d be a great way to get us invited hopefully

wise give use back our seals give use ret aura back

Isn’t this just a worse version of what Retribution Aura already did? It was 5% damage to all players in group/raid decaying over 30sec and was basically always up, at least in Mythic Keystones.

In M+ it would be better wouldnt it? As it still covers the whole group and a steady 3% dmg AND healing buff VS a cycling 1-5% dmg buff with an avg of 3%. In a raid it wouldnt do much at all tho.

Either way i disslike fire and forget buffs and auras in general.

A minor buff for dungeons and arenas, a nerf for raids and battlegrounds.

A moot point either way as it’s gone. :smiling_face_with_tear:

As i mentioned never liked auras. Didnt care when they dissapeared in… was it Legion? Was dissapointed when they returned unchanged in their function and usefullness later on. They like so many other talents in the general tree feel like filler talents because they have nothing to add for the class.

They are class flavour with a cost of taking place in the tree that should just be baseline at best! Its like if Mages spent point on the int buff or table!

Since Aura’s are mutally exclusive. I’d still consider them more appropriate for talents than Arcane Intellect or Conjure Refreshments.

You can choose to invest more points to be flexible, or coordinate with the group to get more utility while still being able to invest more points elsewhere.

They are also not as passive as a regular buff, like I mentioned before I used to cycle between Crusader and Retribution Aura while doing outdoor Mythic Keystones for the minor speed buff. In PvP there also used to be a huge scope for reactive aura usage (such as swapping to a Resistance Aura when fighting a specific magic user).

Will you put a point in Crusader aura when a point is needed for it like in beta?
Auras arent the only filler talents.

  • Divine steed should be baseline and merged with Seasoned warhorse. Only Cavalier is fit to be a talent of those 3.

  • Turn Evil should be baseline

  • Lightforged Blessing, should just be baseline with Divine storm as when DS came it had a healing secondary effect. This is like MS having to spec into MS effect

  • Obduracy should be merged with any other talent

  • Improved Blessing of protection far to little of a CD reduction for it to be worth anything

  • Golden path, heals for 1.2k every 0.9 sec while i have a healthpool of 1758k

  • Seal of Mercy… increases Golden path by 100% on ONE target

  • Judgment of light heals for 6.2k on 5 attacks

  • Touch of light and RNG heal or dmg for 11.8k dmg

  • Incandeccence RNG dmg for 13.4k dmg. Its also far to low into the tree for the effect it gives.

  • 2 pointer Seal of the crusader for 7.8k dmg on AA… might be good with 40% AA speed from Beta, i just disslike the talent.

  • Fading light capstone choise node, the sheilding i get from it is like Golden path healing. Who would ever choose that over 10% armor and CD reduction on builders?

Is Blizzard going to remove the aura? My soul cries.

Just remove Crusader aura talent and give us back our passive mount movenet speed increase.

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