Crusader roleplay

Hello, folks!
I am a huge fan of medival knight/crusader theme. I know that a paladin fits that role mainly, but I don’t really enjoy protpally gameplay compared to protwarr. So, the question is - does the warr fit that archetype well? It seems to me that Blizz are insisting of a more barbaric nature of the class. Class Hall, for instance.

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A Warrior can be anything from a human knight to an orcish blademaster. There’s no reason you can’t adopt a Knightly theme for a warrior! Just dont expect to go hurling around the Light.


I’d say if you play your warrior as a crusader/knight that’s what your warrior are :slight_smile: Warriors can be more (as Elenaiel) said, than Blizzard’s class fantasy of them. Which I’m not even sure what it is.


Total agree.

My filthy casualness makes me not remember half the in-game abilities of neither paladins or warriors, but if we think about it, I do not believe medieval knights ran around resurrecting people, magically healing their wounds, or magically hurting their foes. They were mostly doing physical combat. Like the warriors in WoW :slightly_smiling_face:

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Thank you for your replies, mates! That is really encouaraging to hear!)


I don’t see why not, actually! While they wouldn’t wield it as well as a Paladin or a Priest does, I don’t see why a knight coming from a society that largely worships the Light as its religion wouldn’t be able to cast some minor spells because of their faith. Our RP character doesn’t have to be a 100% representative of what our OOC class is and what its toolkit is.

Anduin Lothar was a warrior.
He was religious, but wasn’t a priest.

Perfect example there. He never became a paladin.

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I see warriors more as barbarians than knights. But I guess they could fit…

Considering the in-game “class fantasy”, I agree.

However, consider the OP’s desire to play prot warrior instead of paladin while roleplaying a ‘knight’ rather than a barbarian,

I fully support that as a viable option.

Although I suppose some warrior abilities are indeed more barbaric than knightly, but it is possible to RP (almost) without using any of the class abilities :slightly_smiling_face:

Depends on the type of RP. I’ve seen warriors RP noncombatants a lot, actually. They go for that class because they can use every armour type.

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