Crushing Advance and Cleave

If you don’t choose cleave, how do you do dmg to pack of mobs. Tunderclap and warbraker adds bleeds to the mobs for 10 sec but what now when the bleeds expires, how do you continue to kill the mobs without cleave. Sweeping Strikes hits only 2 persons .Hope you understand my question. Hope anyone can help me. Just wondering.

I don’t run cleave at all. For big packs you got 2 uses of blade storm if you spec avatar into it. Also whirlwind does extra damage after a bladestorm if you spec into it.
After popping the big combo of thunderclap into warbreaker into roar then avatar for bladestorm then whirlwind and from then on our just sweeping strikes regular rotation to finish the remaining enemies you do a lot of damage. I don’t feel like cleave does that much.

Also not that as arms you either spec into single target or into aoe there is no middle of the way you can do.


this patch we got the set that makes your MS generate a shockwave
so your rotation (excludind the other aoe) is basically a single target rotation with sweeping strike, but both thoose spells will generete a shockwave, hitting more target at once.
OP will generete dreadnaught (x2 bc of sweeping strike) and MS will do the same

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Warbreaker, TC on cd to spread bleedings and reset Overpower, Roar, WW, SS + Overpower (dreadnought). The mass of your AE will be from bleedings especially on chainpulls.

So to understand it more intuitively: The arms rotation is all about stacking modifiers to empower your mortal strike.
In general you always want to apply rend with thunder clap first. Then you press warbreaker into avatar into thunderous roar (only with warbreaker applied) into bladestorm again.

After you’ve done that, you use sweeping strikes and apply the logic from above, where you try to press your mortal strike off CD with maximum modifiers. So between your mortal strikes you wanna press overpower if you have 2 charges off CD to not waste CD, execute to make mortal strike stronger, and whirlwind, so you don’t cap rage. You will cap rage anyway, so make sure you dump it with thunderstomps and ignore pains regularly

This rotation assumes you use these talents:

This is the rotation for […]:

1- Charge
2- Thunderclap (be sure you autoattack one time)
3- Warbreaker
4- Dragon Roar
5- Avatar (Bladestorm)
6- Ignore pain while “Avatar (Bladestorm)”
7- Whirlwind
8- Mortal Strike
8-BIS you can Thunderclap after if you want
9- Bladestorm
10- Overpower
11- Mortalstrike
12- Whirlwind
13- Sweeping strikes

From here Whirlwind + Overpower + Mortal Strike + Ignore pain.

If no Avatar, try to use Bladestorm with Warbreaker and always use Whirlwind after Bladestorm.

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