<Cult of the Damned> [Horde] GOLEMAGG |HC/Semi HC| |PvE and PvP|

Looking for a more tight-knit guild where people actually know each other and interact?

We are mainly a raiding guild that has a chill atmosphere and a completionist attitude towards Classic.

The aim of the guild is to get rid of the hardcore elitist feeling while still retaining the love and dedication for the game.

Our current roster is available here https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1nYLOB4yweo6UlvpuPiSGCHSUrlRIvCz6

Requirements and General info :

• Dedicated to raiding and sticking to the raiding schedule

• We value participation and time put into resource gathering/raiding. People with heavy irl obligations should be aware of that.

• We use EPGP as a loot distribution system

• (Part of the EPGP loot distribution) Members that are geared up already will end up with the highest PR possible and will have first priority over a new (and possibly rare) drop. This will satisfy these members. Members that are not geared up already will end up getting loot in most raids which will keep their priority low. So they will still gear up but they will not threaten members that wait for a special piece to drop in order to get their satisfaction as well.

• Be prepared for raids : have consumables ready , etc

• We are looking for solid specs in the main raiding group so knowing what works is always a plus

• No requirements to rush through leveling , but it’s good if you could level in approximately 2 weeks to 1 month if you want to be in the raiding group as fast as possible.

The raid schedule is going to be announced later on and tweaked accordingly.

We are currently recruiting:

Priest - 4 SPOTS OPEN
Rogue - 1 SPOT OPEN
Druid - 2 SPOTS OPEN
Fury Warrior - 1 SPOT OPEN
Warlock - 1 SPOT OPEN
Resto Shaman- 1 SPOT OPEN

With the discord link below you can post your application in the ‘applications’ channel , follow the template in the same channel and you should be good to go . It’s honestly a formality but we’d like to know some general stuff

Hit us up : https://discord.gg/re5cjBK

Don’t forget to check our spreadsheet for available raid spots

Still looking for members , for reference use the spreadsheet

Bumpitty bump

Still looking for members

Check the spreadsheet for available main raid positions

spots still left

We need Priests inside our core raid group, join our discord to apply https://discord.gg/re5cjBK

spots available

Core raid spots are still open, check spreadsheet for reference

filling up, but we still need quite a few classes

Bumping for visibility

we still have spots left !

Spots are still open

Can you Include “Damned” in the guild’s name ? Last time I checked you couldn’t.

spots still available

We still have open spots, namely for priests and mages

slots still open

Thanks for pointing that out, gonna have to change the name. Totally forgot about the arbitrary choices of some banned words. Saved us some panicking on launch day, lol

Slots are open