Curios question Witch hunt/Order of Ember

Wanted to ask if their intrest or a guild that leans closely up againts the Order of Ember and witch hunting, that acept any sort character no matter who they are as long they loyal to the mention above?

I love the idea of this in theory. It’s just a matter of how long it can be stretched out for since the concept seems mostly limited to Drustvar.

I thinking starting in drusvar really and slowly expand outwards somehow in same line of thoughts. Like you when witches is defeated you slowly starts to find a similar target to put on the pyre.

Hey Smalshaman, you’re in luck - there is a newly formed guild that’s inspired by the Order of Embers and does witch hunts, sounds exactly like what you’re looking for. They’re evidently active and recruiting.


The one Hollins said above, go for that


once again I disagree, with this statment
we have witches, warlocks, undead and feral worgen, plenty of nasty things to deal with outside of drustvar and in worst case you make one up for your DM event
its not like the witches in drustvar are the only kind in all of warcraft.

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We are one such guild of Monster Hunters yes and while we certainly have plenty of cleaning up to do in Drustvar there is plenty of creatures on Azeroth that we could focus on. Just to name a few

Feral Worgen
Crazed Furbolgs
Old God Cultists

The list goes on and on, pretty much any monster/ race in WoW could be hunted by us for one reason or another. As such wherever these creatures roam is another place we could hunt so its much more than just Drustvar :slight_smile:


How about no?


But why would Order of Embers deal with that? Witch hunters in WoW aren´t Witchers or some secret organization that travels the land, killing evil beings for the sake of killing evil beings, they are people whose homes were attacked by witched and who had to find a way to protect it, thus Order of Embers.

It makes more sense for Inquisitors/Witch hunters/whatever from Order of Embers (or affiliated with it) to go and fight the Horde than travel the world and help random villagers, because their motivation is to protect Drustvar, not cleanse evil from the world (if you want that, make order of travelling paladins).

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Well I mean if you go for a full on order of embers copy paste then that is a different story.
but if you just want the witch hunter feel, then there is plenty of monsters to hunt down outside of drustvar.


Well thank you for deciding what I should and shouldn’t roleplay.

The Order of Embers was formed to fight Ancient Evil, in Drustvar’s case it was the Drust and then the Coven. They utilise many weapons to combat the Drust and their death magic such as silver, potions and fire.

In my opinion its not that much of a stretch to take this approach on a larger scale, as others have stated there are other evils that lurk on Azeroth that such methods mentioned above would be effective against, perhaps even more so with some experimentation.

So yes I think with influence from the new expansion that such a concept could in fact work and bring something fresh to the world of RP rather than sticking to the same few concepts and condemning anything that tries to stray from the norm. If nothing changed, then RP would become static and stagnant, have a good day.

I’m just going to make one thing clear here. I’m not pooping on anyone’s concepts or role-play. I’m just going to share with everyone what is common knowledge, and good to work around.

Monster Hunting by itself is a very common theme in WoW. It always will be, as it’s a high fantasy environment and it’s a good, simple concept to work with.

The Order of Embers however is a specific order with its own unique lore, designed for a very specific purpose so I’m unsure as to where some of the information in this thread has come from. Needless to say, I’ll throw in some copypasta for us all to discuss;

’ “ Brothers and Sisters, today you become the searing fire that burns away the darkness. Today you become the shining blade that cuts through the wicked. Today you become the beacon of hope against the endless foe. By the authority of House Waycrest, I name you inquisitors of the Order of Embers! ” ’

‘The endless foe’ in this case, being those of the Drust who have hounded and tainted Drustvar for years beyond counting. It is a continuous threat, that has no simple fix and must be fought and pushed back on a routine basis.

Considering this is still recent expansion content, it’s hard to imagine that they’re finished with the Drust yet by any stretch. On top of that, Kul Tiras has literally only just re-entered the Alliance so it seems a bit ‘odd’ that a large group of what is a self-contained order residing within Drustvar would suddenly all jump ship to the other continents, especially while the war with the Horde is still ongoing.

Here’s some more food for thought.

’ The Order of Embers is an elite organization of [Kul Tiran] champions tracing its origins back to the first colonization of [Drustvar] by the [humans] nearly three millennia ago. Founded to fight the [Drust] threat, the order has been recently revived to fight the [Heartsbane Coven] of [witches]. Members of the Order, known as Inquisitors, are highly trained individuals using a variety of techniques and weapons, and armed with an in-depth knowledge of [Drust] and witch magic. The Inquisitors of the order have been successful in containing this influence, and securing the region from ruin during the [Drust incursion]. ’

The entirety of their lore is based around fighting their ancient foe, protecting the land of Drustvar and ultimately, seeking a final solution. It’s a story of common-folk and nobles of the land alike, uniting under one inquisition, to fight back these heathaneous wretches.

With that in mind, they’re only really knowledgeable and equipped, at present, in matters pertaining to those specific elements. Witchcraft, in the limited quantity it exists beyond Drustvar, is nowhere near as specific and actually, very sparce if we delve deeper into the lore of the world as a whole. We had Gilnean Harvest Witches, who weren’t necessarily evil, and now Gilneas is uninhabitable, and we’ve had a few ‘crones’ here and here.

The magic utilised by the covens in Kul Tiras are a lot more dynamic and specific.

I disagree. If we’re referring to typical monster hunters than so be it, but the Order of Embers, as presented in the lore is far from being ‘just a monster hunting guild’. They are an ancient order with a very clear and concise foundation, as I have presented above.

That being said, I do love the idea of an ‘Order of Embers’ guild that actually role-plays out the above concept relatively well, in Drustvar, in keeping within expansion content while embracing expansion lore rather than just taking one and not the other as we’re want to do on Argent Dawn whenever we get some new lore. Since we are on AD, however, and people like to drift into their own head canon territory barring all potential interesting limits; here are some ideas to work with;

  • What better way to learn about your ancient enemy than travelling to the ancestral homeland of the Vry’kul? Northrend may yet hold secrets that could lead the way into finally defeating the Drust threat once and for all.
  • Perhaps, with the recent addition of Kul Tiras back into the Alliance, some Drust artifacts or cursed relics have drifted away from Drustvar and Kul Tiras, causing some trouble for a local populace. It would be ideal to investigate these incidents ASAP.
  • A visit to the Kul Tiran’s ancestral home of Gilneas, even now in ruins, may provide some insight into other methods of Witchcraft.
  • There are countless libraries and mediums for knowledge that exist throughout Azeroth that the Order of Embers may benefit from studying. Of course, this applies to regular monster hunters as well. Learn your foe!

But yes, long story short. The Order of Embers is not, in lore, a generic monster hunting club. It seems a waste to reduce it to that because then it’s hardly any different from any other mercenary, adventurer or paramilitary guild that runs around doing this;


I think that at some point the Drust must have subsided therefore giving the Order of Embers a reason to subside also, as the presence of the Drust is the Order’s sole purpose, as you stated.

Race does not equate to Faction alignment. Not all Kul Tirans are desperate to engage the Horde although if this was the Order of Embers charging off while the Drust still ravage their home it would be odd, if another Order comprised of various races and founded on different principles were to travel though that would be different.

Great suggestions!


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All of these are great ideas on how to keep a guild that want to strictly be order of embers like, alive well after the expansion I imagine.

and perhaps I went to far into monster hunter territory.
but what I meant to say was, that witches are not a drustvar special and in vain of what you suggest, there could be covens popping up outside of drustvar, they are pretty good at hiding among normal people as seen in a handful of quests.

I am merely trying my best to dispell the notion that such a guild couldn’t survive outside of drustvar because I think a proper witcher guild would be pretty neat.

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In warcraft? Yeah, I did see one. Plenty of weird headcannon that doesn’t belong here. I understand it, RPing in MMOs has literally no rules, but if it wasn’t Argent Dawn, they’d probably get a plenty of rude advices.

Taking inspiration is one thing, going literally “Yeah, we’re witchers now.” is meh.

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I talk with the Haven people and sadly my character wont fit in their. I was thinking more of an open concept for all characters no matter title nor status. More like a witch hunter type you see in Warhammer and witch hunt doing the 16 century type thing.

ofc I didn’t mean a clear copy paste witcher guild, but rather the concept of witch hunters and in part monster hunters,

Hmm, I don’t think you’ll have much success in finding a guild that does the specific same thing as this guild (monster hunting) but without the status and title (BEING monster hunters). I mean, a more open and broader concept would mean you’re just a regular hunter, isn’t it?

If I understand correctly what you want, why don’t you join any of the many guilds that travel around and occasionally fight monsters, like feral worgen and whatnot? Most mercenary guilds should fit the bill.

Unless I misunderstood you about your character concept?

Passive aggressive much?

RP whatever you want, but don´t expect people to just nod when they think your concept does not make sense in the setting. I would explain it further, but Mion did it much better in regards to nature of Order of Embers.

While some people might write us off as Witcher wannabes (Not saying anyone on here is) we make an effort to ensure that anything we introduce into our RP is referenced by something already in World of Warcraft. For example, an order created to purge ancient evil has been done by the Order of Embers, course our own group are a bit more open with the threats we contend with its not that far of a stretch in my opinion.

As for the use of potions well the Order of Embers seeks Master Ashton out for a reason, for his “Alchemical fire”. He also gives the hero a chilly breath potion to put out fires and health potions have always been a thing so certain potions are already established in Warcraft.

As for bombs well there are certainly bombs in Warcraft, Goblins seem rather fond of them, rogues use smoke bombs and I believe Ashton gives you a fire bomb in Drustvar so there is instances of bombs in the Warcraft setting too.

The only snag we may hit is blade oils but coating your weapon in a poison or venom that a creature is weak to is not that out there in terms of headcannon, in fact its similar to having poison on a dagger or an arrowhead.

The last thing we want is for our RP to pull someone out of the Warcraft setting but from the points I have made I don’t think we are stepping out of it.