Currencies and Tokens, there is too much

I don’t believe I maybe the only one that thinks this.

But has Blizz ever stopped to consider that there might actually be too many different currencies in the game and across all of its expansions?

I mean a wow head search will bring you back loads and I think… why have we got so many?
From Crests, to valor stones, to honor, to bloody coins to faction specific currencies and so on… its really overwhealming I think, particularly for the casual and definately for the new players.

Personally, I think it all need a cull and a completely tone down.

Even if its something for example like.
World and faction related stuff just uses general Copper, Silver, Gold, a universal currency for everything.

Your dungeons, mythics raids, maybe have their own like Valor Tokens, (Remember them TBC fans) ^,^

And for PvP, just honor. Simple as that.

I don’t really get the point and using PvP as the small example here, the point of having Honor, Bloody Tokens and Conquest.

Bump costs up if needs be or ramp up the upgrade system. But to have all these dofferent tokens, coins and other currencies. Its really a bit much.

But thats my own personal thought. What are your thoughts too?


In terms of gold: Gold has lost its worth. Many people have loads of it, ready to purchase something the moment something is added that you can buy with it.
A new currency makes it so those players will actually have to put in time and effort to get that new shiny reward that they can only purchase with that new currency.

That’s definitely one of the main reasons for various currencies existing.


i do think they can do a better job at it though . maybe make a standard currency atleast for limited time events


I like the change to upgrade system, so that we don’t have to just heavily rely on RNG to get some magic roll on an item for it to be the best. It’s also nice that we aren’t limited to just dungeon gear being eligible for upgrades via the valor system. Now we have a system that works across the board.

It needs different currencies because otherwise we could just do the lowest form of content and trivialise gearing too much. The system seems a lot the first time you encounter it and I’d prefer a more straight forward naming system for crests but once you’ve got to grips with it, it’s the same every season.

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And if they used gold for lets say all world related things. Either the Wales can buy everything day one like you said or they make things so expensive that normal players need to either buye tokens or play the ah game for month

But then people will stockpile that currency and new events will amount to: Buy it, done!
If I look at Trial of Style for instance, that’s exactly what I do. I always have the currency topped to max, waiting for something new to be added.

Currencies exist entirely because if they didn’t people with millions of gold would just snap up all the rewards on day one and Blizzard wants people to actually engage with the new content.



They shouldn’t have different terms every time. Something easy like: Copper crests, Silver Crests, etc.

Just reset them when needed and convert that amount to gold or something.

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i see your point .but in that case they can make it so that you need to spend all that currency before the event ends or it is lost before next event starts .like they have done for wow 20 anniversary event .

What was wrong with just having valor, that was capped by your progress?

Nothing more annoying than having an item stuck at a random ilevel because you don’t have a specific crest.

Upgrading with valor capped by M+ rating worked great, it could easily be expanded to include Delve or raid progress as the cap.

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Because we have jealous people who think ‘their content’ is more worthy and don’t want ‘the peasants’ to be able to get stuff.

That is why we can’t have nice things. :sweat_smile:

I’m fine with the crest system. I do think valorstones need to go. Just make it crests. Imo.

Then people will complain about FOMO.

Blizzard really can’t win. :sweat_smile:

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I propose we bin crests and stones and reintroduce simple valor, with the upgrade capped by the higher of your raid, delve and m+ progress.

I guess why I’m not fond of valor is because it conjurs up memories of days passed. When ‘my sort of gaming style’ was seen as unworthy of any of that kind of stuff.

Minor PTSD, in a way (though I don’t want to make light of actual PTSD).

I understand that, but with the existence of 619 gear from Delves now, I don’t see why the valor system can’t allow upgrades to that level for people who have progressed in delves.

Perhaps it needs a new name to avoid bad memories.

  • I would scrap the crests and use Justice for low item-level gear and Valor for higher item-level gear in PvE.
  • For PvP, I would just use Honor for low-level PvP gear and Conquest for rated gear and better PvP gear.

When it comes to world currencies, like Resonance Crystals, Kej, or Blessed Iron from Siren’s Isle, I would consolidate them into a single world currency—similar to what pets got, you know… one currency for all.

I’m personally not confused by any of them, but I understand the frustration of new players trying to play WoW for the first time, only to be hit with ten different currencies.

I actually think It would be nice if they converted all previous expansions currencies into 1 singular legacy currency.

So you can go spend it on any expansion you wanted.

PVP marks and honour and Time walking badges would be the exception.

Perhaps go 1 step further and replace currencies with gold when an expansion is considered legacy. (Usually after 2 future expacs)


I’ve been saying this since at least Legion.
In DF there were loads of individual items which were currency for some Factions. You’d have to find a Knife of Wobbly Bladedness in order to buy some item from a Blubberman in Azure Span.

Same can be said of Crafting Materials. There are just so many things now, pixie dust, Fairy Wings and 16 types of teeth.

I miss the good olde days when Leatherworking had one normal leather and one fancy rarer leather per expansion, maybe with a new type in the final patch or something.

All these do is fill up your bags and bank. Especially as if it says Crafting Material on it then it’s tough to just vendor it.

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game needs more gold sinks anyways , Tah said himself Gold loses value when there’s too much going around


Thats an really good point to be honest!