
Please add a different currency for upgrading gear and buying cosmetics.

As I write this I have done all zones and are at around 100.000 Bronze.

If I want to fully upgrade my gear It would cost me well above a million.
I want to buy all the mounts that I’m missing. that’s around 500.000

I don’t see how I can possibly farm just the 500k let alone if i want to try raiding.
I refuse to numblessly farm the same spot over and over again.

What am I doing wrong?

What am I doing wrong?

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You did nothing wrong, it is just, people abused the frog spot a little bit too much so it got spoilt for everyone else.

Other zones/sources may or may not be buffed as the event progresses. I hope.

You dont need to upgrade your gear for normal raids, and those net you around 40k a day. This will get you all the mounts you need in under 2 weeks. After that start upgrading and do all the other difficulties. Running all the normal raids is pretty fast and chill.

Ye I’m getting declined for all raids I sign up to…

I know this might come across as the usual answer “just make your own group” but really just give it a try. You will be surprised how easy it is to create one, you dont have to “raid lead” or even talk to anyone or say a word if you don’t want. The raids on normal are so easy it runs itself, give assist to the tank they will do the rest from there.

Try to invite people around 340 ilvl which is what most level 70s have who have done the raids at least once. This way you will know they have experience.

Im around this ilvl and last few days it started to take longer and longer to get into groups due to people upgrading. Started making my own groups and had nothing but positive experiences.

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