Current RP character-naming policy?

What’s the current ToS for minor official inGame clan-names as a player-name if you want to RP as one character of that clan? The official rules are ambiguous at best.

I got surprisingly a name reserved which is based on a minor boss encounter and I would like to keep that one.

Honestly I don’t think Blizzard actively enforces the naming policy. Unless you name your character something horribly racist I doubt they’ll take any action.

If you don’t get your name reported, you should be plenty fine, I think.
Even if you do, reports don’t really have any use, even if you contact customer support, the game master will just tell you they can’t do anything.

And that’s bother me the most. People, who post here on a regular basis, wrote about resentful reports which caused several renames. Do you know if Blizzard still whitelists names on request so the reports won’t have any effect then?

No idea. Guess you can try contacting support.
They’re pretty useless if you need them to do anything, but for information, they can be okay.

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