It would be nice for a strong defensive added to the kit, like Shaman’s got Burrow and now Stone Bulwark Totem, Druids need something like that, because they certainly don’t have the utility of a Shaman with multiple knocks, roots, stuns, and a short cd kick, all at range.
For the healing output of Regrowth, my WW Monk can heal a lot more with an instant cast Vivify.
As can my Devoker with an instant Verdant Embrace and/or Emerald Blossom.
As can my Ele/Enh Shaman with Healing Surge, which for enhance can be instant with maelstrom weapon and NS can be picked up in the class tree for both if you choose, unlike Druid, which must be Resto.
Druids do get Renewal if talented but it’s a 90s cooldown and meant to be used in an emergency not as recovery after a fight.
Regrowth seems to be permanently affected by 90% dampening.
Regarding the Bear Form Enraged Regen, it also heals very little compared with past iterations making Heart of the Wild imperative if you want to live in PVP.
Then there’s the issue of losing Demo Shout if you want to keep Mighty Bash or vice versa. You previously could take both so even less CC/Survivability.
Finally, and in my humble opinion, Oakskin and Well-Honed Instincts shouldn’t be anywhere near capstones as they’re needed for pretty much every spec of Druid meaning there is not actually a choice, you have to get to the bottom of that side out of necessity.
Enraged Regen should probably be baseline for all specs too, as well as Innervate, Cyclone, and maybe even Convoke.