Current state of PvP (2021, Q1)


If applying Rip wasn’t a net damage loss it would be broken, but Rip is literally so worthless of an ability it’s often not even worth using.

It’s even removed from the spec selection screen as one of the highlighted abilities, probably getting removed by 9.1 honestly

That depends on the feral. There’s a niche build that uses necro covenant and draugh or circle legendary that makes bleeds tick okayish dmg.
Hunter have an incredible toolkit for almost every opponent, but FD removal definitely is out of place.
There could be an argument made that hunter dmg is low/pet is easily killable even after the buff.

But however, this does not fix the future issues - there might a day when feral/assassination is back on the track, only to get hard countered by surv’s fd legendary

Kinda agree on this point, feral damage definitely needs to be redistributed around a bit. But we do not want to have another MoP situation, where bleeds tick for 15% of total hp.

Right now our dmg distribution is 50-60% bite, 15% rip+rake, and the rest is fillers and whatnot

I think a fair distribution would be 50% of our dmg is Rip+Rake, 25% is Bite, 25% fillers. But blizzard refuses to buff bleeds because Bloodtalons is in the game, and they have literally refused to remove bloodtalons for 4 expacs now so it’s probably not going anywhere.

Please are you really playing a holy priest? their mana regeneration is as bad as disc priest. Holy priest used to be ok with mana in previous expansion with the various traits, but right now is really really bad.

well when you are at the point you cant stop their go, you got outplayed, made a mistake and deserve to lose. cause thoose combs are setup combs. Setup combs as they get called, set up gos to get killwindows. When you are 3 ppl, you have 3 trinkets for each one to do something about the incoming setup.

As the warrior said, darksoul is a 2 min cd and is purgable, you basically all have a trinket for that to use something. You know, unlike fire mage and boomkin you can actually kick their casts or stop them while casting with a stun etc.

Condemn warrior is easily the most ape-proof thing you can play right now , literally have 2 friends who never passed the challenger bracket but they’re 2100-2200 just by spamming 2 buttons this season. Abuse it while it lasts i guess ?

the thing is, this legendary is mostly just broken for classes that have debuffs they rely on. Like affliction lock, ferals, shadowpriests also ele a bit cause of flameshock. and feign death legy dispells ua just without the dmg punishment :smiley:

Played with a friend who mained holy for a while. I can see the mana difference between healers midfight. (Can also hear him screech when he goes OOM against WW’s)
Holy Priest is an okay healer, but it’s not as strong as disc for some setups.

Great post, I agree with almost everything you said, highlights on Warr, Retri, Mage burst dmg nerfs (not fun dying in 2-3 GCD with 25% vers or getting pummeled by warr). Convoke is very frustrating to play against too. I will give you my opinion on things I don’t necessarily agree with, though I am not the most experienced player ever, so my opinion might be wrong.

Hunters: They have one of the weakest (if not the weakest) defensives in the game, and they have to use a legendary slot for FD, so I think having that extra defensive is fine.
Warlocks: Most of the damage comes from Rapture, not from the actual dot’s, so I think the current nerf will be enough
Frost Dk’s: The spec I play, I do like your suggestion of increase chillstreak range and reducing it’s damage, but we don’t hit as hard as any of the other classes you mentioned and squishier. The main reason dk’s are popular now is because of the cleave setup. We’re like a support class that deals decent damage (in comparison with top tier dmg dealers).

Hurts unholy way too much aswell since it clears all the bursitng wounds from themselves which take decades to stack and eventually generate another runes to re-stack em.

ye forgot about unholy, never see them in 3s :smiley: only frosts. But i guess it also clears necor right?

i think chillstreak is very frustrating. Often it it doesn’t do anything or it deletes 2 people.
If you don’t have a second enemy at all, you might as well go afk and delete your char because you do 0 dmg.

You probably won’t be seeing any for a long time in the future aswell … sigh :pensive:

Yeah, it can do a lot of damage, it’s range is really small though, even with grippy hands, you have time to move away. It’s only really consistent with the big stun combo we do. I’m up for reducing it’s damage even more, only to give it proportionally extra range though.

You’re right, it needs to be undispellable and do more than it does already

I’m unholy main, switched to frost for pvp, I suggest you do the same, it’s really easy, especially since you should be necrolord anyways. Unholy might not be viable before 9.1 or more, when the meta slows down. Necrotic strike buffs are not enough to make unholy good compared to the 1 shot meta.

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Honestly i don’t get why feign dead shoud clear ANY debuffs from the hunters ? This can be so easily fixed if they just remove the dispell effect. CD reduction is more than enough to stop any incomming 1 shot spell if the excuse is lack of defensive abilities. Either remove the dispell factor completely or make it remove 1 random debuff only.

mindgames is so busted it killed me through Guardian Angel lolz

Nah, what i had in mind was dmg reduction, or at least the effect reduction, so it doesn’t instantly execute druids with frenzied regen conduit or shamans with nature guardian.

But if you think Mind Games needs a buff… that’s certainly your opinion which most likely not a lot people share.