Cursed Dungeon?

I enjoy running M+ Content but I always have this one dungeon that every time I go in to something goes wrong, and that is Siege of Boralus!

It doesn’t matter what level key…it will go wrong for me. I run it with guildies…something goes wrong, helping a friend…it goes wrong…

Just wondering if anyone else feels they have a dungeon they feel cursed in?


Can confirm. Siege of Boralus is indeed cursed.

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Avoid Siege at all costs!

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Aye, can confirm

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Tol Dagor for me.

I left my old runeblade there, so I can confirm that it’s cursed.

Tol dagor for me too. I was killed through the floor the last 3 times I did it, nobody interrupts the shields and the fire bossim the only one doing barrels

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