Cursor visibility options?

Can we get some cursor visibility options. sometimes I completely lose my cursor and can’t see it and no idea where it is and so find it impossible to click on buttons. this is of course usually in the middle of a fight where there is all sorts of stuff going on all over the screen and so visibility is perhaps quite confusing anyway.

I don’t know exactly what type of options they would be, but maybe a glowing outline that glows different colours, or maybe a really dark thick outline along with a thick white outline to give contrast? or maybe a negative version where the colour will be inverted based on whatever it is floating over?

inb4 keybind : i do ‘keybind’, but I don’t have a keybind for everything.


as far as i know weakaura has an option for that, Shad has it so he doesnt lose his cursor. its like a circle around his mouse.

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I have a weak aura called cursor that helps me with this.

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As Schmuse has said there’s a Weak Aura (Weak Aura is an addon that enables you to create or import small code snippets to display stuff) for that.

Example image:


There’s different variations of it. For example mine just shows in combat. Some people also use the circle to display their global cooldown.

Weak Aura Import !DB1xZjUnq8VojTnGboiTxN(aqjxsgcWe50Mmn1yHTSrxmwEKKjqFWF27Qv2GZzsBE(MKbwwTA)3VD1UED8C9iB8iHM)bYDZJIumT3Slg0QJtV(D6pOBF2fo99i7RoYPLJJtVbd62X5x6DjCcnnyTqUqWt1EKrZDDNF30jxbAlxM4rwR1zQp3U9R0yrlUO91VKiDchhg1UdC1anxKQmMwPPsnqa6iINYvRT0aPLlqRL84yM0i(m0ZlzyiZvSLrc5gVrwAAYR09kTmNHCszBzg3JMRfqSMlPgd7raFO8KXI0qU1BiP0nmL1(Q8vOaK8Oi(opYYXdjUljUdV3yuJZrYsO7bNGOYyjj3ewErJtGNp6OswizOsilMmDQhjMLYK8aYAXRZbFrHFpesjBzqSTpJHzfDo4rHSvGd4I8UEY0fx9Wu0iPhtbykkKR(AEAPkcYvAXMQVDTsoveZdGCmkLi9SsfCEXTf(2)KmDUmTWV8K)QZF)Rf3YsdTW1wwPIUteYGcLoowysZKP0K)aGhtIDw3bMcd(gBEUg(wgyv(MkGMWClJvjLhVwtmSSjq8uVvLIDf4ZEKk38qeKjfXsMs9tf(OrESI4jdH5Ipwr8uTWSEOAVxH)pw4FqDf()a8l79l8VOsOZp)G6Fx5F6O8pDEntcjr7pkdODM64dvJllHCwaukcyonjBnf63GKLirihIcVhzS7i7VGSrYrhjVhjLcO8HHYMbUiZupVwYtFP0(7nsbm3q5P2(jAQkbUI7BWO3ZbR5w1CfdUDqrhWUtcXheZISFmenKLOPpwruhrteGAlr6c)FRWVtHF7c)hUzbvcDFF(lm9KOigweJEWznV8oqX7XldspoxQmVSPWhgo7e9i7quhTO9Iv)QSJPkn3VoCwH99pbCAbU32JudCRHOFx3FuFkW3Vn)vvfVT5Oz3STXcf9dMgQAp(Vc5tebF7DQ5Z2HQMs4vN8n83uK)npu9rFa5())A8t9oIDYhtbJkLLV5aZbdGGLTevgorcu32QPtGvwZWC9SlDoyrysDIGIlcXtJLI8mC9O8enVA(AqcvPwstdxct7dACSgCNuDd2Nuwuvn4snRzWAYxsdynygYbPdao7BkViH9oUxVg8JS7H1GF22S3jImatGyZkkUFJvOUnJB()0WjmJB4sPqAGjjlgSRft1SDa(beRaLfIBxqgnDYSFV2r3ywZa8w2ZdddHv1E(pz0xgcOU65fIxzsK8owiN(SLR5Zl7zk52S1SJwNwW6RGcfbhQf(zNEoalEOPG28EVh5vEOETT0isc7cAguPP2cCCz3RmCTU9DZFGmXyGKOYvGhpzM7K7HCKrL9hF)m6vx7E7KVwV7aAaI4X2nfXsF7oTM)7IF2d)8tLdOdoUCkEfynwWlMNvJv9cDtQ3J0TvNbTG1W2ck5tDn6X7F)
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SET cursorSizePreferred "2"

Inside your file while the client is closed.

Makes your cursor double size.

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I use the “cursor castbar” weak aura:

It shows your GCD and Cast as circular bar around your mouse. I customized it a little and added a range check for hunters.

If you don’t need the cast bar variant, there are a dozen of other cursor weak auras:, including some that add features like resource tracking.

Thanks for the recommendations.
I did try weakauras before for different reasons, but I found it a bit overwhelming so I opted for TellMeWhen instead.

Come to think of it, there is some form of cursor option in tmw, but I think its ugly as I believe it involves attaching an icon to the cursor. I’ll have a look at it anyhow.

If you use Windows 10 there is a setting that blinks a circle around a cursor when you press ctrl key.

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I hope you find a solution that works for you.

I couldn’t help but think of this meme


This is why I prefer hamsters to mice, they can be trained to do things much better!

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if you want to go for efficiency i d pick mice tho.

Less Intelligent : Hamsters aren’t as intelligent as Rats and as a result tend to be a slightly less affectionate and interactive pet. They are also harder to train than their Ratty counterparts. Sleep A Lot: Like Rats , Hamsters are nocturnal and therefore sleep throughout much of the day.

That’s actually what the WeakAura does. But the Icon is a circle in that case.

WeakAuras is actually quite handy, because it’s so versatile, but I agree it can be quite complex for a beginner. The good part is that you can always just import things that others have made (there’s a lot of examples on Even when I’m doing custom stuff I usually import similar stuff first and modify it to my needs.

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