Customer care management

10 days ago ive opened a ticket cuz i miss a mount from an achievement: 6 hours later they closed the ticket giving the golden idea to go on wowhead.
I reopened the ticket because they have (i think) to solve the situation manually and the time (9 days ago) to solve the issue was 15 days. Its ok cause im not in hurry but after 8 days now the solution will be in 24 days.
This thread has two goal:

  1. Do you know if its possible to find the Pandaren Kite String without having to open a ticket? The achievement was acquired years ago but i noticed the missing mount just these days
  2. To point how bad the CSC experince is. I know there is DF on release… but this is ridiculous

That’s really weird, I can see you DO have the achievement on armory, but the mount says not collected… not seen that before.

Have you tried logging into the character that EARNED the achievement just in case it makes it magically reappear?

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eh yes…it was my panda monk but nothin appear. Ive read on wowhead that probably this mount arrive via inbox mail. But im unsure about that.

It took me 4 tickets (every time they said, go look WoWhead…) and a few months, but eventually they managed to solve my little problem
It was the naval mechanics achivement, the very entry quest revard, the blast furnace not registered as collected
Very simple little thing, but each and every toon of mine had this bug…
Anyhow, after long ticket-exchange, someone managed to fix it… again
But the wait and response time… god, it was horrible
Now I don’t want to shovel dirt on Blizzard, they are doing a pretty nice job with that themselves, but want to encourage you to don’t give up
If you have a problem, don’t give up
It will take time, oh boy, long time, but eventually… it will be fixed if it can be fixed


the good thing isnt an important issue… so i could wait :smiley:

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