Customisable makers marks

What if we could customise the flavour text at the bottom of our crafts at higher profession levels beyond ?

Thanks but no thanks… it’s already bad enough we have the crafter’s sometimes horrible char name on the item we buy; don’t even want to start thinking about the nonsense such ppl would write there.


I think with the above comments in mind it would need to be moderated and optional…

So in the work order tab, add a tick box that would allow the crafter to inscribe the item with something if you wish.

Add a function to essentially report and delete the mark if for example on your ring it says “it’s for your fingers, not for other uses”.

In an ideal world, is it a nice idea for RP? Absolutely.
Does it need resources to be allocated to it that could go to something way more important? Absoluteliest. :stuck_out_tongue:

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What,you dont want the flavor text “I pulled this out of my…” followed by “Crafted by Xxmasterfarterxx”?

Yeah,me neither. Add some acid polish to the game instead so we can remove etching like that.

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