Customizable Entropic Embrace skins

No matter how much you give to Void Elf players, they will make new threads asking for more. It’s getting pretty annoying and spammy at this point

Inb4 “just keep scrolling”

I would but there’s even more of these duplicate threads lower on the list. Can you not keep this in one place like the Nightborne customization thread? It wouldn’t bother me if we weren’t getting 10 of these a day, but come on.


Well other than maybe 1 or 2 people I haven’t seen any others asking for Silvermoon. Really. I’ve been in this void elf debacle for almost 10 months now and other than maybe 1 or 2 peeps I haven’t seen anyone else suggesting that.

I know, you really want Ogres to be added for the Horde :smiley: And I’m fine with it honestly. But I will disagree on the matter that Void elves and High elves are like 2 separate races. They are not really and you know that. They just have a double theme let’s call it. And tbh I am all for Blood elves getting their own 2nd theme, as well as more High elf customization down the line like the Farstrider tattoos, feathers, etc.


Fixed that for ya. It’s normal for excited happy customers to keep asking for more.

Stop comparing customers with spoiled children.

I counted more than 60 threads below and there’s not one single post about Void Elf customization. Well, if you count the High Elf thread, there’s one. But this thread is focused on a tool for Void Elves, a tool that High Elf players could benefit in the end as well, but this thread is about Void Elves mainly.

Btw, I counted 3 Nightborne threads.


I would weep manly tears of despair if that ever happened. I mean it would be despair, but manly despair, which is the same as despair, but you keep punching yourself in the face to remind yourself how unhappy you are about it…

Well I most certainly hope they are added for ya! Send link for the Ogre thread so I can show my support :grin:

Lol that’s a blatant lie. I scrolled for 10 seconds and found 3 void elf customization threads

Why you pesky kids…now Gnolls however, I have a whole set up written out for, racials, structure, belief, place in the Horde, mounts, the actual technical way they could be implemented, tribal structure, everything.

Please Gods. Gnolls. Gnolls…Not Ogres…Never Ogres…I never want to RP something that talks about itself in the Third Person, or I may as well take up a career as a WWE wrestler…

Wait I’m confuuused, do you want Ogres or Gnolls or both?? XD :joy:

Though it doesn’t surprise me to see members of the WoW community acting in ridiculous and toxic manner over simple things, it still annoys me to see how much this community is constantly trying to fight and undermine itself.

Getting upset and overreacting about people asking for more customization options? In a game that customization is abysmally bad? Look at customization in other games “want -MORE- customization when you already have so much?” so much? seriously? Give me a break.

Do you people have nothing else to be bothered with? Is the game that good that your biggest concern is what people ask in regards to looks to the race their play?

Seriously, grow up.


I absolutely categorically 100% do -Not- want Ogres, though I am aware many do. I absolutely categorically 100% -Do- Want Gnolls. :smiley:


Glad to see you agree people are being a bit unpleasant about the constant demands, undermining other playable races at the ever increasing expense of their own desires (That are not even commonly shared)

So you believe a system where one group is listened to and catered to because it is popular on the US forums, and not others is somehow a desirable way to remedy this? Seriously? Give me a break.

I play this game as an MMORPG, Some of us remember it being that, so yeah, those things are actually important to RP’ers. Seeing one race get everything they ask for and others being kicked to the curb is kind of a big deal, yes.

No thanks, tried that for 47 years, it never got much better.

Besides, I thought learning to -share- with others, was one of those lessons we expect children to learn fairly early on.

Perhaps there is indeed some growing up to do.


4 flavours of elf, one being a literal re-hash and you’re still asking for more customisation. Please have some mercy and just enjoy whats being worked on, let these threads just die already :sob: Some races can’t even do anything than have a hair style and facial hair, never mind piercings, jewellery, tattoos or adjusting the height or toggling features to have bushes in their hair or a straight back. Give some other races a chance :stuck_out_tongue:


Oh! I’m so sorry I misunderstood your post earlier! I’m glad you didn’t chew me out for that mistake! XD. Send Gnoll thread so I can show my support.

I would, but it wouldn’t really be right just now, as The Factions are -kinda- level in races, though if the High Elf Fans get their way and change Voidies I may well do so. I would now, but it would be a bit selfish, as it would mean an extra Horde race. As a taster however I will say the RL culture they would be based on would be Zulu/Masai, three castes, Rainmakers, Bonespeakers and Marrowtalkers, and the tents thing with faces? It ain’t what people think… :slight_smile:


I suspect you are referring to the void elf / high elf fanbase. I will give you some advice here. I know you won’t like it, but here goes. Bashing people for making requests is frowned upon by developers.

Think about it. If everyone stopped making requests because they thought of other races, what would be the consequences? Blizzard would have no idea what the requests are. But if those who were interested actually came out and advocated for their own favourite races, Blizzard would have a stepping stone to work on.

Have you thought that maybe there are no threads for several other races up regarding customization because perhaps there is none or minimal demand?


The problem therein is that then an active monopoly can form, which does not accurately reflect the request, but the potential.

Look at the OP. The idea of customisable EE is awesome, that could be really interesting. 26 people liked it. How many of those 26 people do you think liked the sensible idea, as opposed to the second paragraph which said they could look like a High Elf even when using EE, so they don’t ever have to look like a Void Elf.

Bear in mind I have seen that discord. It’s not exactly a hidden agenda that many are just pushing for High Elves via Void Elves, and have no interest in playing Void Elves.

At which point it is kinda dishonest to claim to want Void Elf customisation, when all that has been constantly demanded are more and more options to make Void Elves look like High Elves.

You do get exceptions. I like Leinadh’s idea about a customisation option for EE. I know they actually like playing a VE, from previous posts, I do not however think everyone is so sincere in that intention however, Time will tell, and I have a horrible feeling that it -will- tell.

Besides, S’ok. Blizz promised Blood Elves 40 Customisations like the other core races, they haven’t given us all of those yet, presumably those are coming in 9.1.5…right? …right? They wouldn’t have forgotten…right?


The only way i see another race being undermined is in the case that customization is actually removed from it.

None of what x players are asking for is doing this.

Nightborne getting customization didn’t undermine the Night Elves, Lightforged getting customization didn’t undermine the Draenei.

If there is a desire for other races to get more options, go ahead, ask for them, suggest, support others, no one is impeding anyone of doing it, but don’t come to the forums just to bash on other’s asking for what they want, it’s petty and senseless.


There was a thread about Blood Elf customization, there wasn’t a single post made by a Void Elf or High Elf fan telling them to not ask for it, to stop asking for it, or that they had “to much options” already and thus shouldn’t be asking for more.

In fact, there was support, and just support. If only Void Elf players could make customization threads without worrying about people telling them to, in short, to shut up…


Got a source for that? I will support that promise if it’s true.

I happen to be among those who enjoyed the Void elf lore and is really really interested in seeing it develop. But at the same time I love the High elf options that were added as well. I can perfectly support both void themed options and ‘‘normal-looking’’ options.

And I don’t see what is wrong with people wanting High elves. Some outright say so. Some try to compromise and ask for a bit of both elf flavours.

One thing is for sure, I hope the next time they focus on void elves it will be for more voidy stuff, as I think that if they don’t expand on the void theme it will be a lot of wasted potential. But indeed, some other races need to take precedence. For the moment, I’m perfectly happy to be able to have different coloured hair and also be able to be blonde as well :grin:

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You seriously cannot see a problem, with people wanting a customisation allowing a playable race to look like a non playable race, so effectively 2 races for the price of 1? You don’t grasp why that would be problematic? You don’t see why that doesn’t look a teensy bit selfish?

In which case let’s go ahead with Horde getting a new race as well to balance it out. Something new, something different. After all, to oppose that, would be petty and senseless, right?

I mean I’m cool with that, Alliance get Void Elves, and also get High Elves. So Horde should get something extra too. Gnolls. Not Ogres. Never Ogres…

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