Customizable Entropic Embrace skins

Hahahaha :joy: :rofl: Give the man his Gnolls already Linxy!

And cross-faction gameplay as well cause if they re added the Alliance will go bye bye all the bois in the yard gonna switch Gnoll man

No i can’t, because there is no problem, because that is effecvely what Dwarves can be with their Wildhammer options, or what even Trolls can with Sandfury skin colors (they could just add green colors too, Forest troll options when).

Would you keep your idea that having two different “races” in one as a problem if Blizzard added, for example, Dark Ranger customization that gave Blood Elves vastly different visual options?

I would keep mine that there is no problem with that, despite the fact i don’t have an interest on it, i don’t see any issue on people asking for it.

I always saw Blood Elf players complaining that Alliance received a race based on the Blood Elf model as selfish. Kids learn to share toys.

I am missing the part that of the Alliance getting a new race, in the sense of a separate race with it’s own starting area, voice lines, racials, etc. I’ve seen only customization.

But, if they actually made a separate High Elf Allied Race (which they should’ve, at least the Void Elves would be “intact”), then yeah to make things even add a new separate race to the Horde. Ogres are a long overdue.

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Actually, on a thread supposedly about Void and Blood Elf customisations, it was stated “warpaint and ranger tattoos are a High Elf thing, not a Blood Elf thing so Blood Elves should not have it, because Alleria.” (Notable it was said ‘High Elf’, not ‘Void Elf’ So, you’re not actually correct there.

Customisations with 9.0.

Blue eyes.

One Blind Eye.
The other Eye Blind
Both Eyes Blind

Three Beards for males.

Three Haircuts for females (Existing Belf ones ported from the males)

Body jewellery you cannot see unless you want to run around like a Goldshire reject and only visible at close range.

One haircut for males.

Oh, and actual Black hair for both, instead of that weird bluey purple thing.

And the different skin colours, so effectively two shades realistically.

About it really. None of which apart from beards and blue eyes were actually asked for. Everyone was kind of “Is that it?” when they were announced. We saw Dwarves, we saw Trolls, we saw Orcs and went “No, hells with this, we’re still owed, we got jack all.”

It is pretty abyssmal.

Anyway, it is late. But yeah, Belf’s are still waiting on the 9.0 rollout to happen fully. Some races got nothing at all. Some races still are getting nothing at all with 9.1.5.

You can see why it grates when almost every other day sees another request to make Void Elves look like High Elves even more

I agree on the Forest troll options, for those who want to play Revantusk. aside from that, now -those- are what I call customisations! When do other races get them?

I absolutely 100% would, and have always said that I would. I think it would be a disastrous move, because it would widdle all over the lore.

That is as maybe, never saw a problem with it myself. Even when they wanted normal skins and normal hair colours.

We must fight at dawn, I leave the choice to you, madame/sir, Pistols or sabres
I am a dab hand with both! :stuck_out_tongue:

Ogres! Pah Dabs nose delicately with handkerchief “I Will not hear of it, no, not at all!”

Anyway, tired now. Adios.


Green skin for mag’har! We want more diversity!

I agree, Man’ari skin for draenei!
If we were elves, they would already make it, that is sad they only care about spoiled elves, it is time to rename the game into World of Elfcraft.


This forum man

One guy asks for customization and another guy literally fumin about it

it’s a pretty trash look btw to be pissed off because some other race doesn’t get customization and then arguing with a person asking for a customization for a race you don’t even play. Like, “if I can’t have nice things, no one can” type of thing?


Totally behind this.



Keep making suggestions and requests op.
You ain’t hurtin’ anything.


I was never a fan of the current entropic effect since the VE allied race has been introduced.
Totally agree


Thank you guys for your support :slight_smile: Much appreciated :hugs: :heart:

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Void Elf customization options: 78
Nightborne customization options: 95

Don’t pretend that this is something other than your hate for Void Elves.


As a High elf fan and a Void elf fan, I’ve been saying this from the start. We need to stop and let the other allied races receive their customizations first.

We already got PLENTY of customizations more than we even asked for. I mean 8 new natural hair colors, tentacle toggle, and ear sizes? That’s amazing! I’m very happy for that :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

I’m sick and tired with my main race being fought over like a pack of candy. One side wants more change and one side wants things to be removed. Im just stuck in the middle where I’m happy where I am with the new customizations and completely satisfied.

On one side I fight with the void elf fans and on another side I fight with the high elf fans and on another side I fight with the blood elf fans. I’m just sick of it all.

You want to ruin my race and my favorite character Alleria? Go ahead. I’m done.

D O N E. done.

Goodbye world of Warcraft

Do you mean ‘literally’ in the teenspeak way of using the word, or as in the actual word? Besides, did you even read the thread? I agree with the customisation of EE to make it look more Voidy in different ways, I have a few ideas how that could look pretty cool. I disagree with the suggestion that they should have a customisation that means they don’t look like Void Elves at all, but instead like High Elves.

Not sure why or how people mistake mild exasperation and sarcasm with ‘fuming’, could be that there were lots of words, people often confuse that with anger, which is a great shame really, and does language a disservice.

Ermm. I have got a Void Elf y’know, granted, he’s low level, but I have been concentrating on Higher level Alts and my main.

If you had read the thread properly, you would see it is in fact more like “Wait, can’t everybody else have nice things as well, why does it have to be all about you?”

Ahh, Memes. Just saying kids, if you do have a salt deficiency in your body, you really need to get to a doctor right away

I mean arguably keeping all the Void Elf requests to one thread would probably be more productive, in fairness, as well as meaning we don’t see a new one cropping up every day or two whilst the others are still active. I mean Blizz themselves ain’t that keen on multiple threads on the same topic.

If We’re talking different visible effects for Entropic Embrace, then I also agree, the spookier the better. Invisible EE however is a hard disagree from me, it entirely neuters the point of what a VE is.

Is this figure from the very first release of the models? not just 9.1.5?

Anyway, lets be fair here, compare the -original- character creation options for Void Elves, and the -original- character creation options for Nightborne

Brilliant. Amazing. I disagree with them being able to be carbon copies of High Elves, even to the extent of effectively removing the visuals of what makes the race what it is, and this is now ‘Hate’ is it?

Have you read any of the other threads regarding Void Elf customisation. Did I ‘Hate’ Void Elves when I said extra skin colour options was a good idea? I think you will find I did not, now did I?
Did I ‘Hate’ Void Elves when I said extra hair colours could work, and give more variety?" I think you will find I did not, now did I?
Did I ‘Hate’ Void Elves when I said “Yeah, some hair patterns would be great, there’s some really interesting things you could do if along with the kind of Voidy/Old God tentacles, you also have some weird kind of Chaos factor angular stuff as well?” I think you will find I did not, now did I?

But no, I have the temerity to go “Hang on, no, that’s a really bad idea” to -ONE- suggestion made and suddenly I hate Void Elves?

Seriously? Is that the level of debate here? As long as someone agrees with everything Void Elf fans want, then they are sensible and get likes, the instant they go against the tide and say they don’t like something, they ‘Hate’ Void Elves.

is not a particularly adult attitude.

Just going to leave you with this snippet from a thread about customisations for both Void and Blood Elves. “Blood Elves shouldn’t get Ranger Warpaint and Arcane Tattoos but Void Elves should, because these are a High Elf thing”

Just unpack that statement there. Then you see people wanting Void Elves to lose even the Voidy bit and just look completely High Elf even when using the Void and you wonder -why- alarm bells go off?

Anyway, I’m off to try and find some ideas to better explain the chaotic/fratcal ideas I had for what EE could look like, which I will pop up later.

You don’t even play a Void/High Elf, you don’t get to decide what customization options we get.

What are you even trying to say? Why do you even think that you are the one who decides how much Void/High elf customization should be there? You were ranting like a 14 year old for Void/High Elves asking for more customization calling them selfish, what adult attitude are you even talking about here?

What is the problem with the race having a high elf options? Wildhammer Dwarf, Sand Trolls and many other races do this. But no we are ruining your Blood Elf fantasy

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Why? Have you seen a single thread asking for Vulpera, Mechagnome, Kul Tiran, Highmountain customization options? Who are we stopping here?

If they are not interested in having more customization options, that’s not on us.

We can ask as much as we want, we pay for this game we can ask for things to be added in it, we are not “selfish” for wanting High/Void Elves to have more customization options.


No I haven’t. They need to create threads tho in order to be heard. I agree with you there.

The problem is the more void elf players ask, the more people think we are annoying.

I’m of the satisfied opinion. Even if I wanted more stuff I know that what we received now is enough for the time being and other allied races need the focus too. After all, 9.1.5 isn’t that far away.

The more Void elf customizations threads appear (especially high elf dedicated ones) the more argument happens on the forums, and I’m not here for it. I’m tired of it. It makes me hate this community and want to try other games as they constantly either want to fight over customizations or argue wether or not customization should be removed.

BOTH sides of the arguments are selfish. Im just tired of this.
I’m done with wow

Remove all elves from game ,and problem solved.


So you just jump in angry, without actually reading what other people write, just interpreting it to fuel your attitude?
If you -Had- read the thread, you would find out that I do indeed play a Void Elf Character. Cruachain Tan’iaste, he didn’t even choose the Void life, the Void life chose him, just a simple warrior who guarded Umbric’s cult because his sister was a true believer in Umbric’s vision. Got caught up in the cataclysmic experiment went wrong, he survived, his sister didn’t. He’s now trying to come to terms with the grief and also the feeling of being an outsider amongst outsiders, he doesn’t understand the cosmology behind it all, just that he can never go home again.

But it is OK for Void Elf fans to decide that Blood Elves shouldn’t get warpaint and tattoos because they are ‘High Elf things’ Gotcha.

I would have thought that was obvious, if you had read the thread. I think some EE customisation would be a good idea. I think that trying to further customise Void Elves to not be Void elves anymore is a bad idea.

People seem to have a weird idea as to what ‘ranting’ means these days
Do you mean ‘You used lots of words sarcastically?’ because that is not what is classed as ‘a rant’.

Oh I don’t know, the one where you go “That is actually a really good idea, but that bit is I think, a tad excessive, and takes away from the Void Elf fantasy of the race.” The ability to weigh up two parts of a discussion and agree with one, but disagree with another. Critical Thinking, basically, the ability to take in what is proposed and agree with bits and disagree with other bits. That kind of adult attitude basically.

You didn’t even read the statement prior to that, did you? Shall I repeat it. "-Blood Elves- should not get Ranger Warpaint and Arcane Tattoos but -Void Elves- should, because it is a -High Elf- thing.

You genuinely don’t see anything incongruous in that line of thinking at all? Also, I did not note your attention being drawn to that to oppose such a (Lore unfriendly) line of thinking. Why was that?

If you don’t see a problem with referring to the race as High/Void Elves, rather than just Void Elves, then it is highly likely you do not see the problem. This is true.

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As I said many other races have Sand Troll, Wildhammer Dwarf and other options but no that Void Elves have High Elves it’s such a problem. :woman_facepalming:

Arcane runes are their thing but tattoos are not, they can have them I really don’t mind.

But if Blood Elf got them do you really think Void Elves would be crying how Blood Elves got more customization options and how they don’t deserve it? I never saw a single High/Void Elf fan crying that Blood Elves have too much customization options and they shouldn’t have more.


They’re all Thalassian elves and are all the same essentially. So the tattoos/runes would fit on both sides of the fence.
Blood elves are high elves!