Cute little illustration I figured I'd share!

So I was looking through my drawing earlier and forgot about this cute little Vulpera I drew a month or so ago!
What do you all think?
Also, what class would he be? :grin:

Hope you guys like him!

https:// www . instagram . com/p/B-mJ4XCA0K4/

EDIT: had to space out the link, because it wouldn’t let me add links :sob:


This is so well made :star_struck:
So many details :slight_smile:

The flower theme is really good; rain forest theme :slight_smile:

You have me thinking of a colouring book with this :blush:

Could it be that she is the Vulpera druid we all dream of? :wink:

If you put you link between `` then you should be able to post the full link


Nicely done! Checked out your other work as well, followed. :slight_smile:

I second the druid. :smiley:


That is really well done, and just to also agree with Moothilda - a collection of such pictures would make for an amazing coloring book. :smiley:


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