Cutscene missing at the end of Ateena's Fall

The custscene is missing after you defeat Ateena during the final quest Ateena’s Fall in Nazmir (Horde Campaign). AFter you defeat Ateena the screen flashes black, as if it’s about to play a cutscene, but then you’re back in game with your charector standing next to a big hole in The Heart of Darkness temple and wondering how the hole got there.

Could this have something to do with the new Goblin models as the Gob squad are present during this cutscene and all their models appear to have been updated to the new ones.

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Hi, Ceiver! o/

The cutscene you are mentioning is rendered in real time (so, in-game graphics), so the new models shouldn’t cause an issue there.

I just checked really quickly, and the cutscene worked correctly for me (new models included), so it should be there.

There are some addons, like DBM, that have options to skip cutscenes. Maybe you have one of these activated?

A temporary fix (and I mean temporary since it seems to be a problem on Blizzard’s end) is to delete the file in you WTF folder.

Note: This will reset ONLY the in-game settings, not your add-on settings. So stuff like draw-distance, sound, graphics settings, etc.

This seems to work TEMPORARILY, but after a while the problem returns.

I had this problem yesterday too and loads of people has this problem. Check on youtube for example, loads of people had to search the cutscene on there instead.