CVar / Nameplate max distance

Hello all,

I am playing WoW Retail and recently I got frustrated because of the enemy nameplates not being visible on long range. So I tried to google solutions on that and I found a page on WoWhead suggesting the following commands: /run SetCVar(“nameplateMaxDistance”, “60”) and /run SetCVar(“nameplateMaxDistance”, “6e1”). I’ve tried both of them in game and I saw no difference. The thing is that I got a message that popped when I did that, saying “It is a dangerous script / action” or something.

Is my account in danger or did I do something bannable is my question. Because there were no modification at all.


You will always get that message when running scripts. Scripts can be dangerous, this message is more of a “Are you sure? Do you know it’s safe?”… if you got it from a trusted resource then generally it’s okay. If its from a player comment I would not run it unless you know that player very well.

Nameplate distance was changed in recent patches, I am not sure whether it can be modified or not. I think it was changed to provide more “danger”… seeing an enemy mob 60 feet away makes things a bit too easy.

Thank you very much Shammoz.

Actually it’s from a WoWhead article without any indication that it is a bannable offense. Mostly I got scared of the in game notice.

Thanks again.

It’s now hard coded to 60 yards in Retail and 20 in Classic, which is a damn nuisance.

It would have been so much nicer had they just set min/max boundaries.

60 yards in classic is so frustrating. For as long as I can remember I would have nameplates at 40 yards to match the range of spells. Always knew that all nameplates are in range for mouseover macros. Now it’s broken and it makes things quite annoying

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