Cyclone needs to be changed into the same as Polymorph that breaks on damage

The Cyclone design is so outdated and is ruins PVP

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When you just say “it’s outdated and ruins PvP”, without giving ANY reasons to “why”, it makes your post come off as “you are mad, and venting on the forums because a Druid cycloned you”. :sweat_smile:

I see no issue with it :man_shrugging: if you legitimately feel this way, then why do you think it would be better as a copy of poly? Why does it ruin PvP? And what do you mean by “outdated” hehe?

I personally don’t see an issue with cyclone :slightly_smiling_face: because Druids are heavily DoT based, meaning that a “break on damage” type cyclone, would never work. So unless Druid gets a complete overhaul, and has its playstyle changed from DoT to direct dmg, this won’t work.

Also, because Druids are DoT based, whenever you get cycloned, the DoTs still tick, and wear off.

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I also think Cyclone in its current form ruins balance/feral/resto in pvp.

Since they are all balanced around 1 wildly op cc ability, and everything else in their toolkit is sheet!

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How is cyclone overpowered?

You take a player out of the game…also making him not recieve heals (unlike stuns)

Its spammable.

Its the only reason to bring balance/feral to any sort of pvp currently.

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I cannot see how that makes cyclone overpowered, but I haven’t played Dragonflight for quite a while, maybe the game is worse off thant I thought

I think a nerf for cyclone could also be, that the cast time cannot be reduced with haste. 1,5 seconds feels very long in pvp.

I think turning Cyclone into a polymorph would be much better.

That would let devs do positive changes to feral/balance.

With the way all Druid specs work atm, a poly type cyclone is impossible.

Cyclone is completely fine, and doesn’t need changing. At most the suggestion Zebajin gave, is acceptable.

But changing it into breaking on damage, is simply impossible, seeing that Druid is a DoT based class. :point_up: If this change was made, then cyclone would be completely unusable, since EVERY cyclone would break on dmg, after 1 sec.

I swear… anyone in here talking about making cyclone similar to poly, hasn’t given a single thought to how Druid plays…

And even if we discussed “removing DoTs on the target we cyclone”, to prevent breaking it on damage, it would still turn cyclone into the WORST CC spell in the game. Because compared to mages, who INSTANTLY can start bursting, Druids need ramp up time… so removing all DoTs would be the worst thing to do. :roll_eyes:

You CANT compare Mage and Druid CC. :point_left::point_left::point_left: they are different classes with different core mechanics.


Rather compare it with an Affliction warlock, fear used to break on damage early. So they buffed all fear effects, that is what cyclone needs of you want to remove the immun part.

Cyclone is fine except for the haste increase for the casting. This should be removed, as feral it is not that easy to cyclone a target.

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The thing is…all druid specs are like they are because of Cyclones.

If they nerfed Cyclone it would be possible to make the druid specs more interesting in pvp.

Currently balance/feral is only brought to games because of Cyclone…thats is how good Cylcone is and how bad the druid dps specs are.

I want improvment on the druid specs, hence Cyclone needs rework.

Agree, return predatory swiftness proc for cyclone, as it always has been :smirk:


Do we also get the increased range and it being different school than healing spells like its for mage and its dmg spells? or you are just salty and don’t know how to play around it?
I cant remember the amount of druids who messed up by cloning at a very short range and at a bad time and losing the round because of it where is for other specs its much less riskier to go for hex or fear for example.