Cymre Brightblade

Hi all. I just have Cymre to beat to finish the Draenor trainers but I’ve run up against a bit of a wall here.

I don’t have the pets that are recommended in various tips but have tried many teams with pets that have similar abilities but still haven’t got past Cymre.

I feel that I need to take a step back and ask for some advice here, either for suggestions on alternative teams that can do this or what sort of abilities etc would be most effective.


The most popular strat on Xu-Fu’s requires a Tideskipper and an Infinite Whelpling.

You have both of them, but not levelled.

But you have completed Pandaria, so on that basis alone can level a pet in 20 minutes, and you also have options of levelling in Draenor and Legion, so getting those two ready to go won’t take more than half an hour. Problem solved. And, of course, you will now have two new 25s ready for that battle in future or other battles.

That’s one answer.

The other is to try to establish your own strat, using what you have without levelling anything. Since the existing 10 strats at Xu-Fu’s handicap themselves by being levelling strats, and using only two pets, I’m pretty sure a strat could be made from your roster that succeeds using all three pets.

If you want to pursue this line, for the challenge of it, start with one team and attempt you made. Describe it here, and I’ll see if I can suggest an improvement.

Hi there. Thanks for the detailed reply. I have tried a team of Tideskipper, Infinite Whelpling and Surger but didn’t manage to beat Cymre. They did a lot better than any of my previous efforts so there is some progress there. I went another round to check that I didn’t get some bad rng on the first attempt and did much worse.

With the bonus coming up at the end of the month and the fact that I’ve spent a fair bit of time pet battling over the last couple of weeks, I’m going to take a break and spend some time reading up on Xu-Fu to see if I can get a better handle on determining my own strategies and teams.

Thanks for your help, it is appreciated.

I’m sorry it didn’t work for you.

I just tried it myself, with a H/P Tideskipper and a carry pet, and had no problems.

If you say how it went wrong, where exactly in the strat unexpected thinga happened, I coulld perhaps suggest something.

A break might do you good, though! If you do want to ask about something again, pet battlers are friendly and helpful! :slight_smile:

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