Did they say if the gems will be nerfed/depowered in season 2 as looking at the ilvl for season 2 the ring will still be good ilvl wise atleast?
Probably be like the necklace in DF off Forbidden Reach.
That was also a ring. Pops back into coffin
Nah it will not be good as it doesn’t have much of raw numbers.
I think that, with higher season 2 itemlevel, the secondary stats on regular rings will outperform the procs on Cyrce’s circlet after a certain point in upgrades, i’ll leave it to the theorycrafters to say exactly which point, though.
To my knowledge people will still ask for it but unless tehy continue to interact with it I think in the later stages of the season itll be replaced but for the start a very good boost to have.
For alts you plan to take into season 2 id still grab it.
It’s a much better approach to borrowed power, in my opinion, because it’s quick to obtain and alt-friendly.
I think they intended it to be at a powerlevel for you to atleast keep around for the start of the next season
Personally I pretended the patch didn’t exist and just kept grinding my weekly profession points while roleplaying as items like these often are very high investment in terms of time and energy you put in for minimal gain cause once the next season gets going and we’re a few weeks in it’ll likely be obsolete and there’s very few you actually need it for in the current season
Didn’t touch the zone or the ring.
It depends per spec;
“Restoration Shamans will use the Cyrce’s Circlet ring until they obtain at least Hero Track rings (ilvl 665) with at least Critical Strike on it to replace it.”
As hunter you will use it until you have full 6/6 hero track rings. And even then sim because if you end up with like 2 vers rings you probably will still use it.
No news on any nerfs but i wouldnt be surprised if they do.
iirc, there was a blue post saying they’d buffed some of the effects because they wanted the ring to remain relevant into S2 (source: trust me bro).
The Forgotten Ring soon !!!
The forbidden Mandela effect.
In my defence it’s called the “Onyx Annulet” which almost reads like Amulet.
I’m pretty sure that’s the reason as probably over 70% of the player base didn’t know what an annulet was before that.
As one of that 70%, i thought it was a typo for Amulet
there is only 1 real answer
you will have to sim it.
but its likely on higher itlv pure stats will simm better
They said that they want the ring to be relevant all the way to heroic, but to make sense to replace it for mythic rings. For most specs this is the case, since ilvl 678 rings are a bit ahead, but there might be 1-2 classes that keep it for bis.
Oh for real? Might need to actually get it assuming I stick with pally