Dagger to sword transmog?

I was thinking of farming warglaives as a cool transmog for my rogue, but since rogues always carry daggers is there any point in this?

Currently it is not possible to transmog daggers into one handed swords anyone that knows if this will be possible in shadowlands? Otherwise it would be quite a waste of time for me to farm warglaives.


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Warglaives transmog is demon hunter exclusive though.

It is the only way to obtain the appearance.

That is how it currently is.

In Shadowlands Legendary items are transmoggable via normal rules, therefor everyone who can equip it and has it should be able to use it.

I am confident if a Rogue and Warrior goes to the PTR and has it they can tmog it.
If not then I expect riots when SL goes live. It is a kick in the teeth to the classes that originally used the damned things.

I did not hear anything about it and I doubt they will ever do this, but I would be glad if I am wrong.


Not just DH’s can use it. Went to the PTR to test myself once I had a chance.
As for the actual question OP is asking, I don’t believe you can.

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Oh, that is great, thank you for the info, good sir.

While few classes can use those warglaives for “blizzards pet class” reason they gave DHs privilige to tmog them. It is stupid and should be changed.

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I’d be fine with it IF we get an HD version (similar to the warglaive of Murkidan).
Because getting that achievement wasn’t that easy for us who have it.

DH have also much less options with warglaives compared to all the other classes. No need to be jealous.

Less options? They still have all the same mogs from other weapon types like other classes.

I agree on that it would have been ok if it were hd model. But it is not ok for all those rogues and warriors who used these weapons in tbc.

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I said warglaive options, it’s an iconic and unique weapon reserved for DH (which is also why along with the achievement required they still reserved it for DHs).

So yea not many options here, even now but it’s understandable why.

Trolls used warglaives before DH, and other elves also. So actually they are not so iconic weapons.

Those legendary glaives should be moggable for other classes too. It is blizzards own rulebreaking of “if you can use it, you can tmog it” and there are classes that used those weapons long before dh was playable…

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They are iconic weapons ever since WC3, the weapons you mention, in WoW are reserved for guards (trolls/elves) and never available to players (they never dual wield them too).

The warglaives of Azzinoth were available to rogues and warriors because there was no DH class back in the day. You don’t see any character not being DH dual wielding warglaives that’s a DH signature gameplay and lore wise.

Like I said the fact gameplay wise Warglaives are reserved for DH, WoA Tmog requiring a Feat of Strength achievement and lore wise being a very iconic weapon (Throw Glaive ability even use a WoA model)… Yea, Blizz designers still reserved them for DH after the legendaries update.

Like you said yourself, plenty of other options fitting those classes, from Classic with Thunderfury to current weapons.
If a DH wants something fitting his class he only has access to Legion skins (with one removed from Mage Tower challenge) and BFA with quite boring skins.

It is like talking to brickwall.

Even when dh fanatics say “they are iconic” does not change the fact warriors, rogues, death knights and monks can all use those WoA weapons so they should be able to mog those. If i want i can see everyday my warrior with fury spec running around with those.

I still stand behind point “if you can use it, you can mog it”. That should count every item in game for all classes. Not like “if you can use it, you can mog it except you are not DH and looking for glaives you can use”.

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Also, i cant understand why they fixed fist weapons to be mogged as maces/swords while i cant mog maces to daggers on my priest…

Seriously, i hate maces with all my heart. Why im even forced to see it since RNG’zus did not bless me with a wand or dagger ?

They fixed fist to be able to be mogged, they should allow daggers/swords/maces/wands whatever the class/spec can hold to be mogged with no problem.

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