Daily reminder: increase valor points from raids

The title speaks for itself. It’s boring to o tens of dungeons on each alt just to get by basic gear. I clear 13/13 (most bosses on heroic) and all i get from raiding is roughly 700 valor. I need my set pieces on my alst and im just forced to run the boring RHC again and again.

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Rids should give fewer valor points.

All those teenagers with their ‘daily reminders’ for whatever their opinion is FO.

I agree bosses should give 240 each.

I would like to dedicate this ‘daily reminder’ thread to the enormous willpower of the OP.

daily reminder i dont care haha

Well, the VP gain is actually something that the whole community should see eye to eye on.

Having to do countless dungeons is not fun or engaging. It´s just tedious if the dungeons are as boring as they are in Cata. TBC would´ve been fine but this. No No.

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Ye, feels good to have 4.0.6. (or now 4.1.) content on a 4.3.4 patch, where all valors from raid have been nerfed so that ppl don’t farm it that easily.

dont need vp anymore not bothering whit it

Well, yeah. I did tens of ZA runs on every char instead. Very rewarding indeed. Yes it is not ani issue anymore, but will be again if FL bosses will still give 45 valors. We will be again forced to do tens or hundreds of dungeons which will be even more useless and boring with 4.2. content and gear possibilities.

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