Daily reminder that Havoc is a joke and needs buffs

You know what, I’m getting real sick of seeing Hotfixes from the WoWhead bot and none of them are DH buffs.

Take a look at M+ DPS rankings


We’re behind 10 classes


Now Castle Nathria DPS logs

We’re behind 11 classes

We’re the g0ddamn bottom in both M+ and Raids. What the actual F. How can you make a class with only 1 DPS spec and make that one dog :poop: ?

I’m going to start to pester blizzard with tickets ingame as well until this mess is solved. Imagine paying 15$ a month only for the devs to make your class unviable in all PvE content.


And because of what… whiney kids on the forums because they got killed by a demon hunter in pvp. Slowing and rooting us was so hard we had to be nerfed in both pvp and pve…mostly in pve which wasnt even deserved. We were not the top dogs in bfa.


So, doing average in M+.
And on the lower end in raids.

So you are almost balanced it seems.

I don’t know what math they teach you in your country but being behind 10 classes out of 12 is not average


He’s a druid. He only deals with herb math.

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Balanced ? I have freaking 95% logs and I did less than hunt with 50% logs, our st is garbage, we are weak in higher keys as well due to the lack of defensives and we will be very weak on tyranical weeks because we have no st dmg compared to other classes.

Oh yea I almost forgot that we get slaughtered in pvp by pretty much every class.

How this is balanced I do not understand, every spec that is almost as bad as havoc is from a class that has multiple dps specs (fury warr can respec to arms etc) but DH has 1 dps spec and it is the worst in the game, wtf dude.


Atleast we shine very bright in PvP. Am I right my fellow Illidari? Ah… wait… we got completly gutted while nearly everyone else gets baseline stuff back? I wonder where such a plan can go wrong.


ht>tps://xunamate.com/#/ bout that … :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

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