Daily reminder to nerf assa rogue

Specc is GIGA broken, does WAY too much damage and is nearly unpunishable. It needs DRASTIC damage nerfs and a nerf on shiv (or rather its removal).


nerf assa,ele,destro,no skill bm hunter and ape warrior damage pls.Healing/Damage balance is non exsistent.

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To be honest only thing that needs nerf with assa is SHIV the damage isn’t the problem.

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I suppose you think 20 sec kidney is acceptable? Rogue player in disguise.

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Destro needs buffs not nerfs lmao. Agree with the rest, maybe not BM I think BM is fine.

I play every class…

Destro buff ? 55k dps you want more ? Da f?

Honestly, I don’t think so.
I play Destro.

From my perspective:

  1. Most people don’t know how to do damage as Destro
  2. Sometimes it gets trained to death, but if left free casting, it does a lot of damage…

It has a clear downsides (vulnerable to endless melee train) but it has upsides too (Bane of Havoc cleave+coil).

The only sad thing is that the downside is quite easy to explain (basically train destro every game), but even then Destro can win vs a lot of things.

That is however tied to rng. I just recently lost a game because Bane of Havoc wouldn’t procc but it was crucial for the peels in that case.

Forget my post lol

Idk why they gave a class that has the best cc in the game a ms effect plus that insane dmg

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Yes and no. I usually intentionally try to dump Conflag and Shadowburn to trigger Havoc and most of the times using 4-5 spells trigger it. If you pre-try to trigger it, it kinda works. But obviously you have to take it into account.

You’re correct it can screw you. But I think not that much on average, if you play well… there are very little amount of instances in which it will lose you game.

The bigger issue in my opinion is when there’s a pet class and it triggers where you don’t want it.

It makes playing with Hunter in Shuffle kinda annoying. When he’s on enemy team, he can RNG away your Bane of Havoc… when he’s on your team, you may be unlucky to proc it under enemy healer and it DRs trap. That said, Hunter’s aren’t THAT great and they’re squishy, so it’s not really hard to get a win vs them as Destro with instants like Conflag and Shadowburn. But that all depends.

Daily reminder to not make a healer’s life in solo shuffle so garbage. Lost count on how many wins of 5 or 6 I’ve gotten where I receive like 1-9 rating each, then when I hit 3 wins I don’t gain any, then 2 I lose a big chunk.

I think I will just not touch solo shuffle this season. <.<

Shiv is fine. Its 20 sec kidney that is broken.

Kidney is fine.It is shiv that is broken.

I love 1k rated clueless players.Come Teddy bear give me a hug.

kidney has nothing to do with it… its shiv…

How about we nerf kidney and get rid of shiv?

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yea would be balanced for once set kidney 30 sec aswell remove shiv and take down 10% of overall dmg from rog

dear disco and ape warrior rakar, if u nerf kidney for assa it wont make any difference , also remeber kidney is already nerfed by everone having rele in this expansion(boots+pvp trinkets).If you make kidney a 30 sec cd , it will literally not make any difference.Since its dr is 26 seconds anyways.There are many games where we lose to a omega dr kidney anyways.
On the other hand , i think being able to use 4 poisons is extremely op which needs to be nerfed and also hemotoxin has to be removed as well.It is super overkill.If its not getting removed make shiv a 45 sec cd with 1 charge.So the damage might become healable.

ape warrior xD