Daily reminder we need #SOLOQUEUE

Love to be hated because of jelly people.

1800 achieved exactly 7 days ago (achi proves it) idk what ‘‘weeks’’ you are talking about.

And im the one trolling…gotta love hypocrisy

But its ok,i get it.You got literally nothing on me,so u want to makeup stuff,sadly u failed so hard even at lying.

[Liscc] ‘’‘’ The only guys who are against soloq are:

  • Boosters
  • Boosted
  • Planning to buy a boost. ‘’‘’

You do realize even if they added solo queue,premade queue would still be a thing?

Idk where did you get idea from that blizzard is going to add solo queue and remove queue as group…

Especially because whole wow esport spins around premade, and especially pvp.

Some people…im literally crying of laughter here.

PS : Cant wait to see reply,and new way u gonna dig that hole even deeper.

Nothing? I though so.

Mate you got all your rbg ratings from 1100 to 1600 in three days in Feb, then got to 1700 and 1800 in three days in Mar. This smells like boosting, quite honestly.

I mean rbg is litteraly the easiest thing to climb in SL and there is a LOT of 2k2/2k3 rbg players who are hardstuck at 1K5 arena rating even with duellist gear

Only thing u can do indeed is to smell my rating,because you yourself got 0 rating since u posting on alt + hidden profile.

You outed yourself like pro :wink:

Sure as F. i am not going to justify my gameplay to people who are so obviously lying about me sitting at 1800 for weeks or low lvl alts with hidden profiles,who never got 1800 themselves,while playing this game for over a decade.

Only excuse u got is ‘‘you got boosted’’ which is sad atempt to get me idk,mad maybe,but like i said,you don’t have relevant achievements to backup your posts nor any kind of knowledge other than guessing.

So,typical fail provocation ‘‘u got boosted’’ aint working,sadly (for you) because its old as God himself.

It was good try tho,gotta give u that. (no not really)

You gonna run out of imagination in the end,because u cant makeup stuff forever,me on the other hand,i will have proper reply every single time because i speak the truth.

At the end of the day,i am full 220 ilvl,ready to push 2100,you on the other hand,stil struggling with 1400 rating probably in 800 games played,which would totally be fine if you weren’t so obviously envious.

Bla bla bla “no u” and bla bla bla “u bad” and in the end you didn’t even deny that you got boosted. I just told you what is in clear view for everyone. I don’t care about you a single bit, just came to the thread due to its title, saw the bizarre last post, cleared things up. Have fun.

I never said anything about removing teamqueue.

They shouldnt.

In GW2 we invite for teamq partially based on soloq performance. So its a big extra hindrance for boost buyers. In other words, were not going to invite a 1400 soloq player to a teamqueue.

So no worries you can still buy your boosts. No legit team will ever invite you with 1400 arena and soloq experience tho.

You did not but by saying ‘’ The only guys who are against soloq are:

  • Boosters
  • Boosted
  • Planning to buy a boost.

Soloq would make it next to impossible to boost. So these 3 groups of ppl panick. They cant pretend to be good anymore.‘’

Clearly means you thought join as group would be removed.Why would you say ‘‘Soloq would make it next to impossible to boost’’

How is going to be next to impossible,if there’s going to be normal queue like now?

You made mistake,and now since u failed,you really don’t know what else to say,so you gonna say anything,even if that makes no sense whatsoever.

Typical person who is trying to hard to sound smart,but who actually isn’t.

I am 1400 in arena and 1800 rbg,and this is my first time playing shaman.What’s your excuse for having 1900 rating only,and you play for more than 10 years?

Youre talking out of your … as usual. Trying to distract from the fact you got boosted.

I never wanted normal queue to go…i want a situation like in GW2, where you have solo and team q. Thats what ive been saying 100’s of times. Where good play in soloq leads to invites in to teamq.

There is a huge difference between in skill required between RBGs and arena.

Once you get past 1700-1800 in 2v2 50% of teams you face are boost teams. Rank 1 glads, Blizzcon level players etc. I mean you are playing at 1300 something. If you were a legit player you wouldn’t play at that rating in the arena.

Lets go back to your RBG adventures shall we?

You were about 18-19 at 1600 and then went 11-1 up till 1800. This means all of your games during those 2 days were at about 2100 MMR. I know that since i played at 2100ish mmr last few games and I win 20 per game.

  • So a 2100-2200 team decided to invite a 1600 RBG rated rshaman who is 1300 in arena? (not going to happen unless its a boost)
  • On top of that you went 11-1 at 2.1 which means the guys u played with are far above the skill level of 2.1. (not going to happen unless its a boost)
  • After that super successful 2 day run “you decided” to not play with them again … the 4th of march you achieved 1800…and one day later you started looking for a new group. (not going to happen unless its a boost).
  • Since then you didnt play a single RBG game eventho you upgraded fully almost instantly after. You win 11-1 at 2100+ MMR…yet you dont push for 2100 for that juicy 226 gear? You play 2 super successful days in a row…and then you stop for 10 days.

It took you a while to came up with the excuse,as always.

Again,no matter what you say,and those calculations you made,nothing matters because you got caught lying 2 times,and you keep contradicting yourself in literally every post u make.

Me on the other hand,i did not lie a single time,nor i am upset like you when called out on rating.

My 1800 rbg is legit same as yours 2400 :wink:

Funny how u made sentence in that way,i cant realy say nothing,because if i stay at 1800 forever (which is my right if i want btw,since u aint buying my gametime) or if i continue playing,you gonna always say im getting boosted.

That really works only with low IQ people,who don’t know what u are trying to do,for past 30 replies,and that wont work for you.As we can see,instead of me,you are only upsetting yourself.

Just look how upset you get when i mention your rating,that says everything one needs to know <3

When people lie,and try to tank others,they gonna start contradicting themselves,because they got upset and they cant think clearly,and on top of that,since they got nothing better to say (truth at least) they gonna start lying and making up stuff as they go.

Only reason you keep replying is because you know you f.ed up with your little ‘‘solo queue will cancel boosters’’ nonsense and your lies,u cant deal with the fact u got caught lying.

Keep it going,every reply u make proves exactly this above.

Should be easy for you to reply to this. Why didn’t you?

The truth hurts, doesn’t it?

Since u dont believe im a legit 2400…this is you admitting you got boosted.

Im done talking about this…we both know what the truth is, let’s leave it at that.

Yes please #soloque

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You really don’t know what else to say,since you are mad because i caught u lying.

Last night you literally didnt know how to respond after getting caught,i saw you typing for good 10-15 minutes,and you wrote nothing.

That happens when u make up stuff as u go.

Again,i love you too.

Typical quitter after getting caught,without having any proper response,lets just remember,u are the one who lied two times so obviously,and u are the one who thought blizzard is going to remove ‘‘join as group’’ Tried to disprove my rating,didn’t know what to say,for not having any proof,so u started lying.
After that,there’s really not much left to say,because whatever u say,if u lied about that,knowing there’s proof to prove you otherwise,how can anyone consider anything you write as the truth


PS ; Only response u had after caught lying was ‘‘i didn’t mean literally,its figure of speech’’ LOL

And you keep avoiding it smartly,which means u have experience with it.

Get caught about what?

Ahh that i said …“you got 1800 overnight”. If we google it:

You can say that something happens overnight when it happens very quickly and unexpectedly.

The rules are not going to change overnight.

He’s realistic enough to know he’s not going to succeed overnight.

You not understanding basic English sayings doesn’t mean that I’m lying.

Regardless if you understood it or not. Youre just trying to distract from the fact you got boosted.

Also,sitting at 1800 for weeks,while being 1800 exactly 7 days

Don’t be pulling out definitions,now trying to climb out of that hole you dag yourself in,it wont work sadly.

Nothing u say can wash lies you said,makes one wonder what else you have been lying about :wink:

After all, u were the one who lied openly,to gain other people’s affection,while not having in mind there are achievements to prove you otherwise <3

U can think all u want,but the fact that u lied,says everything one needs to know about you.

Again,u lied about 2 petty things,what else you have been lying about?

Liar once,liar always… :wink:


:popcorn: :popcorn: good stuff


Casuals wanted game acessible and now it finaly bites them in their a**. Sorry but all the pvp problems right now literaly exist becouse casuals wanted game to be more acessible.

So much vitriol in this topic.

But one thing is certain. Boosted plebs and boosters want no solo queue.

Very certain, most certain, almost like writen in the stars, no counter argument to that.

And now youre 1800 for 10 days…

You stopped playing …while you where 11-1 at 2100 MMR and couldve easily pushed 2100+ for 226 gear. If you where legit that is…but everyone in here knows you arent.

You getting your pocketmoney at the end of the month or something?