Daily reminder we need #SOLOQUEUE

Can anyone explain how is this meant? Most people i met dont buy boost cos they wouldnt be good enough to reach certain rating but cos they dont enjoy pvp and it saves time needed to get certain reward.
Most people would most likely buy boost anyway even with soloq. Only reason why why it would be impossible to boost would be that bracket died and even in that case it would only increase prize. Is there something I’m missing or?

When i made new acc i got 2200-2800+ glad in 3 days, there are tons of “random people” getting cr out of nowhere every expansion/season with new stuff to abuse etc. Getting some cr out of nowhere is nothing weird + imo people rarely grind cr in like +20/day etc it often goes up in spikes after having good session. People are so paranoid these days…

So you meet a lot of people that tell you their reasoning for buying a boost? That’s weird the boosted guys i meet all deny they got boosted. I wonder why they tell you up front…

What do you think would happen if soloq got introduced? Do you really think ppl would bother with sitting in LFG for ages to get into an RBG group? Remember 5v5 arena…something like that will happen.

So yes the RBG ladder will slowly die out and so will RBG boosting. Don’t get me wrong…i wish both could be successful at the same time (without the boosting).

On top of that ppl will get declined to teams if they don’t have decent soloq rating.

Would you invite a random player from LFG for your RBG group if he’s at 1300 in the arena? Exactly…you wouldn’t.

Same thing can be said about soloq rating later on.

Well i didnt say i meet a lot of people but my example is made of the sample i’ve met. Tbh most pve players are kinda open about disliking pvp and doing it only for gear and I dont think they feel ashamed of geting boosted tbh. On the other hand obv pvp player geting boosted is something they rather wouldnt talk about.

Never played 5s tbh So i dont know. Anyway i believe if someone is serious about playing pvp then that person wouldn’t just troll at 1500 (they would probably want to climb) which would end up by being undergeared. People play rbgs to get rating and gear. Rbgs seems to be the best gearing way atm. If people are unable to get gear from arenas rn they wont be able to even with soloq. From what i see in this forums people are usually undergeared so people dont want to invite them in lfg. (I might be Wrong tho). So it ends up by being gate keeped by gear. Soloq would not fix this issue so boosts would exist anyway.

I dont see why anyone would do that. Not everyone enjoys/would enjoy soloq. People would be against themselves if they judged person just cos of soloq rating (i mean imo some classes would be stronger in soloq and others weaker but still broken in right setup in premade 3s - maybe rogue for example?). On the other hand i can imagine people avoiding 1500 cr people with 1000-1200 score with high exp from idk cata or something cos it would mean theyre washed up. I guess soloq rating requirement could go both ways.

Well there are players focused mainly on rbgs who get hota every season and usually dont play arenas. When i start rbg group i dont look only at their current rating even tho it could be something that tells you a lot about the person.

Everyone know’s how valuable oppinion of low lvl alts is :wink:

All u can do is speculate and be jealous <3

And again spent like an hour in LFM now, got 1 game -

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