Daily Reminer: Classic PvP Transmog is not working

Day 5049 - Not ingame yet…

Do they mean “Hey, here is the mog here, enjoy the look for free”


(Unless I missed something) It does not actually say if you need the RBG rating to be able to get the tmog (Like it was back in Cata). So for all we know, they were just lazy and did not want to bring the Replicas into the game, but just made the original sets work the same but require RBG rating.


Aggrend and the 1 other dev thats working on Classic are so behind scheduled that they have no time to actually implement this.

If you would require the rating or the vanilla rank it would have been stated in the launch post. The ticket was probably forgotten to be assigned to the dev.
To fix it would most likely work like this:
IsTransmoggable = True per item in the database

still can’t mog

This was never available to transmog in cataclysm, so idk why people so emotional over it.

Wrong, see launch post

It was never available for transmog in cataclysm.

You are probably smart enough to find out which patch 4.3.0 was

People are too dumb to look nowadays

I also see posts on na side of forums about this so hope we get it fixed soon as number of people who grinded to get 1.8k in rbgs cant ever mog the set aswell

Nah mate I just remember when I played classic up until fairly recently in retail that you couldn’t tmog grand marshal gear. If you don’t get that then I can’t help you :man_shrugging:

They were added in 4.3.0 “Hour of Twilight” which is the Dragonsoul patch in cata. Even the Blizzard posts and wowhead states this:

I have the mog since WoD, which isn’t fairly recently. Your memory from 12 years ago is wrong. You can stop trolling now.

Why are you messaging me? Stating facts, like them or not.

There have been reports of people being 1800 rated bg and can also NOT mog them. They are literally just not marked to mog yet because the company does not care.

Soon TM i guess

grabs ticket for waiting room

Not fixed/added yet

Taps foot patiently



still no r14 gear

Still nothing :clown_face: