Daily reset time?

So, what is actually the time dailies reset? Some say it’s 7 cet (nope), some say its 8 (also nope). Yesterday afternoon I did a pet battle in Redridge, today morning before 7 am (cet) it was already reset. So what exactly is the time it happens and is it the same for all dailies?

5am GMT+1.


Thank you!

No wonder, as Blizzard stealth-changed it with the release of Dragonflight.

It’s hardly a stealth change when they announce it on the Forums

What does the subject of that topic say again?

There’s no reason to have daily and weekly resets on different times. When they announced it I fully expected daily resets to change as well.

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No reason to do something has never stopped Blizzard from doing it.

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Which precedence laid the foundation of this expectation?

Blizzard operating with multiple parallel daily and weekly reset times up to DF, and then they announce moving the time of the weekly reset without a single word about the daily reset.

I am not saying having same time for both isn’t good, but the daily reset change was never announced so us depending on daily resets doing activities around the time of reset had no way of knowing that something had changed until the reset happened hours earlier than expected.

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