Daily server reset

When it actually happens? And how does it look like?
I have found in google that it’s 7:00 UTC
It should be 8:00 server time, right?
But nothing happened at 8:00 - no chat messages, no disconnects… and no Frightened Kodo :–)


dailies reset at 8. server maintenance restart is at 3/4 am.

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There is no daily server reset the way you assume it to be the case. There is no disconnect because there is no “server reset” since the servers dont shut down. The only time this occurs is every week during maintenance and that time differs. Also its announced on the launcher and login window several days in advance and 15min prior to happening ingame.

The only daily reset that occurs is the one at 8:00AM server time (subject to change due to winter/summer time). This daily reset only triggers stuff like rare daily lockouts, daily quests, vaults (if it alligns with the weekly lockout) etc. You only get a notification for daily quests that have been reset.


Life hack for this. Create a class trial on a RP realm, skip everything by just HSing to Org. Create a macro with /target Fritghtened Kodo, put it on action bar as button 1. Mount up and fly to Darkshore manually, start spamming 1 while flying around the spawn points. If the macro will target it (if he will be up), mark him with a square / triangle to find it faster.

Took me 20 minutes to find it with this way :smiley:

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Right now obtained it with trial character.
Thank you :–)

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Grats! :smiley: Glad it helped!

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also select on minimap options (display target on minimap)

Right now it’s 8 but next week will be time change and then they will reset at 9.

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Daily resets are only for daily quests and lockouts. As for actual game downtime, the European servers usually goes offline for restart weekly Wednesdays at 03:00 CET, making the servers unavailable for about 20 minutes, or longer if maintenance is needed.

Unfortunately enough. They should keep the reset at 8 AM. I hate the 9 AM with a passion.

They have been talking about scrapping time changes for years now in the EU but I guess it’s not on their priority list atm

Strictly they aren’t changing the time of the reset. It is us as society that moves the clock an hour back and thus get the reset an hour late for half a year. If Blizzard were to actually adjust the time of daily reset to follow the regional time changes, the daily reset would for us then remain on-time at the usual 8:00.

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