Daily solo queue reminder



Daily reminder that not everyone wants solo q.


Solo que into a rated 1v1 against your own class or spec only would be amazing

That’s not what soloQ is

1 vote for yolo q. RBG and 5 x 5 arena (5 DPS vs 5 DPS) would bring a lot of fun.
And 1 thing for yolo q - never ever try to add not popluar spec as healer in any yolo q arena. Its another way to wintrade, especially on hight rating. This is lesson i learned from swtor retard players.
P.S. Also solo q arena must be cross-faction to prevent abusing sync q and ofc zero healers roles to delete any wintrade things.

Daily reminder that having an option of using solo q does not force you to use solo q.


SoloQ is needed. remind it

im aware people want to que on their own into a team of 3 but im just saying that 1v1 against your own class or spec would be much cooler imo

amazing holy pal vs holy pal battles xd

Ret vs Ret.

Ret vs Ret would be manageable. One-shot potential from both sides.

What would Holy Pala vs Holy Pala revolve around? Who would die first of old age? :stuck_out_tongue:

Wait, I got a even better (or worse idea depending on how you see it) idea,

Prot pala vs prot pala.

I like this!

If old age won’t be the deciding factor, boredom will!

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Would obviously be DPS only bracket lol

Mage mirror duels are the most boring thing ever though

Give me SoloQueue Please!!!

Give us SoloQ!!!

So dont play it? Im confused as to why youre assuming not wanting the feature is relevant instead of giving some proper arguments on why its bad for the game

I gave soooo many arguments already when the idea first came up. Like splitting the already small pvp community further being one of them.

Maybe later i will start over with this again but right now i just cba repeating myself over and over again.

Id not say its splitting too much.

Especially not when you look at the fact how soloque removes any entry barrier PvP currently has, its more likely that we ene up seeing more pvp player.

Also at around mid tier, people will get instant queues no matter what anyway, or are you playing on 3k mmr