Damage is non-existent

Is it only me or damage is just too low? Nothing is dying and health bars dont move at all!
Healers healing output seems to be stronger than dps damage output by 5 times.
Healers are not losing mana at all! Please make them lose all their mana within a minute or two.
Many people quit healing because it was too easy for them and it became boring hence why they quit.

Blizzard, make it extremely difficult for them to do anything with their heals; more healers will heal then because the game will be more fun and challenging for them. So we can start by making them go oom within a minute or two and the DPS can actually DO their job killing things because at the moment damage is non-existent!

Blizzard please save this season by listening to us, the playerbase, and make those changes immediately.

BM hunter doing terrible dps currently

try MM its blasting

Says more about you.

I’ve had plenty of people dying from 70% in like a GCD worth of time. Damage needs to go down because people shouldn’t die from high hp between GCDs unless there’s like 4-5 people focusing fire.

I think he is being sarcastic ._.

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I never play BM; even if its the most busted spec I wont.
I would feel ashamed if someone that knows me saw me playing that spec.
And survival has to keep track of many things, it is a spec for nerds.
From my observation MM is not blasting as much as it did when it got reworked in Season 1. It was at that time it was decent. And they removed the haste talent (cast steady shot to gain 8% haste) and now its just a slow spec.

How is that possible, tell me? You can give a shield worth 3 mil absorb health with a single button, spam it as it has no cooldown and never go oom! It is impossible to let anyone die unless its like 80% dampen, and outside arena no one should ever die on your watch as a healer. You have it all as a healer and yet you let people die?
I wouldnt have you on my team.

No, it absorbs like 400k.

It has a 7 sec cd.

Holy priests pretty much never press power word shield because it’s so weak, only time would be to give a health pool buffer or if someone would die if we don’t, we don’t really press it otherwise. It costs a GCD and doesn’t even absorb as much as a flash heal cast, might as well cast a flash heal.

i love playing my hpriest

i play the premonition build with prayers of mending procs

realistically this can easily be solved with a 20% buff to fury warrior

I play archon for the instant flash heals with halo, means I can’t be stopped from healing for an extended amount of time unless people CC me and if I get CCed my apotheosis is halted as well in duration due to archon talents and it also increases the duration of spirit.

Found it troublesome to keep up with some comps when playing oracle.

It is because you dont have gear. I know what I am talking about since I have a disc priest myself.
It absorbs millions of health and you can also spam it with a talent.
They are literally unkillable. But so are all healers. I could have 5 people on me and still dont die.
Once there were 5 gladiators on me and they couldnt kill me. I started to feel sorry for those gladiators and let them kill me in the end as I knew I was giving them an unfair fight. :slight_smile:

How clueless are you? Holy priests power word shield is useless.

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I dont know what your doing in the game. You know there are PvP vendors, right? Go buy some PvP gear.

I can’t even facepalm hard enough.

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Any hunter especially MM rn if they have problems kill things its a gigantic skill issue im crtting almost 6M with aimed shot during cds lol turbo easy class

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I kill things faster on my disc priest than on my MM hunter…

HOW do you guys keep getting baited by Bac at this point???


This is not a serious take. i reckon?