Damage reduction in pvp not working AGAINST pets

If being a hunter without survival mechanics wasn’t enough, now our pet dies without the damage reduction.

Not only we don’t have the posibility to be Beast Mastery, but now we’re only viable spamming vipper sting on enemies because trying to kill someone is stupid now. We used to have some burst if we position like gods but not anymore.

Oh, i forgot to mention lvl 46 warlock crits me for 1300. Theese changes affects more to:

  • Not mana dependant class: War/rogue/ret (good rets mantain infinite mana)
  • Healers
  • Warlocks: Fear now is unbreakable and they heal TOO much
  • Shamans: they are literally raid bosses. Would be nice if they loot epic gear aswell

every single person who likes this changes are the 1200 rating backpedallers who doesn’t have any skill at all and they thank the company for helping their gameplay

0 effort to fix the burst meta issue, the main problem being runes were and ARE too powerfull and it’s scale is weak. Buffing the scale and lowering the damage/healing base should help to balance things a bit

dude, i recognize you.
you literally 1-shotted my priest with a chimera shot yesterday, lmao.
this is potatomilk here.

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Hoho, love it :rofl:

the shadow priest abusing how homunculus work in gadgetzan? you’re not even 50. My max chimaera hit is around 1800 self buffed and i don’t think you have that hp pool

Yep, that’s me.
my priest has 2100 hp, his gear is pretty dog, but i did not expect to get clapped in a single shot.