So I don’t need to put huge description here as I’ve summed it up on youtube: but Just in case i’ll copy paste it here xD.
"Hellouu. So 4 years ago for school, informatics/computers class we had to make a movie. Ofcourse I was the only student to make a machinima.the songs in this video are official songs Blizz was inspired to use dances for and I found the songs in some WoW Dance videos. SO I really Apologize if i took someone’s full song list in exact same order as I really don’t remember did I download individually(which I think I actually did because of the fact that Female undead and Female nelf are missing(I forgot to add them))!!As much as I remember, I used fraps for recording…music timing is off, XD Sorry lol. Today , as a 16 and a half year old I wouldn’t let any milli cilly second of off timing lol.I used either Vegas pro or Movie maker- I really don’t remember, but I think it was Vegas pro.My accent/language is weird. as it was for my school project and it had to be on Croatian so I ahd to Croatianize the races, which didn’t work and I didn’t even translate “human”.Too I added captions to understand my speech and you are free to add any other subtitles(tho i don’t think anyone would to that on this lil crappy video)I decided to share this as I finally found it and I can’t believe how much I have matured within 4 years…
I was like 12 when I made this so yeahhhhhhhhhh…
I was raised on WoW(gotta admit, we couldn’t afford after BC and ended up on private servers till i finally downloaded Blizz launcher and told my dad we are going back to original even if i starved to pay it lol. So i came back here in August 2019 and leveled a Holy priest Draenei and am now learning how to heal lol.)
my dream has always been to become a streamer(which is still hard 'cause I am too shy for that lol) or to become popular in Machinima making(and I’m anti talent for such things and am out of ideas) OR make some… random WoW Videos and hope to get like seen by some blizz developer as I heard that you have more chance into getting into beta of new expansions if you have some growing WoW content channel.
So yeah…
I play Alliance and that’s kinda it lol"
Well leave some replies/comments 'cause I wanna hear your thoughts on this cringe xD