Dance of Chi'Ji - Small adjustment request

I know this will probably fall under deaf ears, but i have to try.

The new Dance of Chi-ji talent is a fantastic addition to the MW toolkit, huge thank you for the monk dev team for that. It does however come with a very low proc rate and huge RNG element to it. Considering that the low proc rate was made by design and will stay as is, could you make a small adjustment to the talent itself?


  • Once we get the proc, there shouldn’t be any timer on it (it would be a charge without expiry) - this will give us control over when to use it, rather than having 12 seconds to do it or lose it,
  • Once we get the proc, the internal cooldown should start, therefore together with point above, it would work similarly as healing elixirs.

This is a small change, but would give us control over when we want to proc it, it would become a sort of “Mini CD” for MW.

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