Dark Druids and Tauren?

So I had an idea for a character, a slightly more rough-minded Tauren druid who takes a sort of… survival of the fittest, nature-is-savage approach.

I was wondering if there’s anything within Tauren lore/religion that justifies this?

With Night Elves, they have the idea of “Elune’s darker face” and can even have shadow priests based on that. With trolls, their Loa can be anything from lovely to death gods. And then there’s the whole mess of the drust.

Do Tauren have any actual religious reason to be slightly darker/more aggressive that compares with this? Or are they pretty much innocent by Lore?

The Grimtotem seem to go in for Dark Shamanism, so do the rest of the Tauren pay any attention to the slightly darker spirits of nature/the world?

Sounds like a Grimtotem Tauren, those guys are pretty much “We hate everyone and kill them, thus we’re the best” and they usually are non-friendly to the horde, but you could also just call yourself a more “Tempered” Grimtotem, not as crazy as the others, but still rough around the edges, not sure you would make a good druid however, since the whole idea of druids is BALANCE, not “Kill this, kill that, eat everything”

A Grimtotem would fit that description. Their Druids are called naturalists and they seem to be a lot more aggressive and savage than the usual Druids from the other tribes.

That said, remember to balance him with some more positive traits as well. My Bloodtotem druid was of the claw and he would brutally kill anyone who threatened the nature and the wilds, but he also respected the balance.

Yeah that makes sense! I think the thing is I’d want to stay away from Grimtotem for both the issues it causes with the Horde (though I think there are a few Grimtotem still in Thunder Bluff…) and for the fact that I’m not trying to make an all out villain

More just thinking if it’s possible to play a tauren druid in a way that isn’t purely a case of “Nicely nicely, softly softly, earthmother says hug bunnies” as they are unfortuately presented in game sometimes

Well, many Grimtotem had joined the Horde before the Cataclysm struck, and those are of a more honourable disposition. So you can RP an honorable and “good” Grimtotem druid without losing the more aggressive and savage side. He’d just be directing it towards the right enemies.

You can of course RP someone from another tribe as well. It’s perfectly fine. But for the RP you’re interested in, I’d say that an honorable, yet pragmatic and ruthless Grimtotem druid who still fights for his people and the wilds would be a good match for you.

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