Dark Iron Help

Hello there,

I was incredibly excited when Dark Irons were released, and while I’ve race changed a good few of my alliance 120’s on lightbringer over to Dark Irons, I however have yet to make one and level one from scratch properly - my tester warlock aside.

I was hoping a Dark Iron enthusiast could help me figure out what to make and how to justify exactly what it does, as I am pulling my beard out trying to figure out what to make.

The parameters for what I’m looking to make are:

  1. Male (as nearly everything I make, including my recent dark iron warlock are female).
  2. Preferably a melee class (shamans are included)
  3. Something less sneakily motivated, a more bold, yet cunning sort of mentality

To give an example of my conundrum, I did consider making a dark iron paladin, as they are easy to level and work well with the heritage set, however, the holy light abilities kind of ruin the setting - I wondered, could they be reflavoured as forge-fire style abilities? making a dark iron paladin who’s power comes from the molten core.

My other ideas were either warrior or shaman, warrior I will never level again as I’ve levelled two, one in vanilla, and one in wrath, never again, and I’ve just levelled a shaman - and as cool as shamans can be, I’m not sure I could level one right away.

My final idea, was to wait and see if fire death knights become a thing, then that would fix every issue.

Anyway, if someone could help me with this teeth grindingly obtuse issue, I would be most grateful!

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I’ll be straight with you: I had a DID shaman because I believed it suited the “dark fire fantasy” but it did not. A warrior works for them but I would recommend either a mage or warlock.

It felt so awkward seeing a DID using Thunder/Earth-spells as either an Enc or Elemental Shaman. The past week I changed that character to a Darkspear Troll and it fits the fantasy perfectly now.

Lore-wise were the DID the ones who taught the Bronzebeard dwarves how to use the dark arts (aka: warlock) which is why I rolled one with the Destruction-spec. While it is not perfect, it is at least an immense improvement over a shaman.

tl;tr: fire mage or destruction warlock, warrior is fine as well. Don’t go the shaman-route as I have done it, it doesn’t fit their fantasy in my opinion.

You can rp any class like that really :slight_smile: but for a class anyway I’d say monk or survival hunter if you don’t want to lvl a shaman or warrior, because I think bold and cunning can fit both. I understand what you mean about the light with DI, that’s the reason I haven’t lvld mine to 120, ofc you can act it as being fire but that didn’t cut it for me, maybe it will for you though. But an enhancement shaman with dark gear and the elemental spells, that’s aesthetically very cool.

I’ll second survival hunter. If you’re not interested in another warrior and you feel like the Holy Light isn’t your jam. Survival hunters are pretty the obvious choice. You can take engineering as profession to accentuate the industrious nature of the Dark Iron people. Also a bonus: survival hunters wear mail and there are quite a few mail sets that look great on (Dark Iron) Dwarves.

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