[Dark Iron-RP] The Imperial Flame - Rekindled đŸ”„

The Emperor’s Anvilrage Legion, Sixth Cohort
The Imperial Flame
“The Sixth Cohort has proven themselves in the crucible of battle. They shielded Shadowforge against treacherous rebellion, they marched in the vanguard against the Primalists and they struck down the arch-traitor Gurak Steelhewn. Ironwyrm’s lot are a formidable and ruthless fighting force, and their loyalty to the Imperial Throne remains unquestionable.” ~ Sollust the Lesser, Senator of Shadowforge
The Imperial Flame, officially the Sixth Cohort of the Anvilrage Legion, is the vanguard of the Dark Iron military forces. Elite imperial shock troops deploy both behind and directly within enemy lines, sowing chaos and reaping carnage across the battlefield. Armed to the teeth and clad in heavy armour, the imperial soldiers of the Sixth stand prepared to deploy across Azeroth.
Well met, roleplayers of Argent Dawn!

Thank you for tuning in to discover the Imperial Flame, a Dark Iron roleplaying guild anchored in the loyalist military of the Dark Iron Empire. Allow me to tell you more about the premier Mole Machine-deploying heavy infantry of Argent Dawn, our guild structures, ambitions, doctrines and innovations. So, a little about the Sixth Cohort

Thaurissan's Reach - our modimus operandi

We of the Imperial Flame wish to portray a tactical and ruthless military unit of the armed forces of the Dark Iron Empire, full of gung ho Dark Iron Dwarves ready to answer the call - to rise up from the depths of southern Khaz Modan to unleash the burning fury of the fierce, unabating might of the Anvilrage Legion.

We facilitate roleplaying events primarily focused around the Sixth Cohort’s deployments, called Imperial Operations, often by order from unseen commanders or the Sixth Cohort’s beneficiaries in the Senate. These will often be NPCed and relatively freeform when it comes to interactions, with the DM controlling the ebb and flow of any given event’s narrative. Providing assistance beyond participation is not a requirement.

One Size Fits All

The Sixth Cohort encourages* a certain degree of uniformity built up around the Dark Iron heritage set, and a sense of respect and dutifulness for the rank and file. Wearing the same as the other guy may seem disencouraging or ‘flavourless’, and I understand that sentiment, but the fantasy and scope of the Imperial Flame is, at its Molten Core, a disciplined, official instrument of the Imperial Throne, the Dark Iron Senate and the Anvilrage Legion.

*Some changes to shoulderguards, headpieces, backpieces and weapons can be arranged upon achieving certain criteria of veterancy.

“Dark Iron warfare is unconventional, coordinated and often brutal, with great disregard for the destruction wrought or the casualties caused. Often supported by heavy artillery and powerful sorcery of shadow and fire, soldiers of the Dark Iron armies spill forth from Mole Machines behind enemy lines.”
Mole Machine Diplomacy

Mole Machines are an integral part of our in-character interaction with the world. While we are usually situated in the Blackrock Depths both IC and in-game, we depend on the Mole Machines for quick transportation to Azeroth, far and wide. Core members are familiar with our use of Invisibility Potions to make the Mole Machines appear out of thin air, much to the surprise, joy and horror of friend and foe alike.

The Imperial Flame prides itself on inter-guild collaboration and participating in community events, large and small - if the presence of crack Dark Iron soldiers is in tune, of course. While the Sixth Cohort has its own story to tell, we are always happy to stand side by side with other guilds, or toe the line facing the enemies of the Alliance in RP-PvP situations.

A Mutually Beneficial Transaction

I’m happy to announce that Mechagnomes are henceforth welcome in the Imperial Flame, to serve in the capacity of combat analysts, machinist specialists and arcano-tech researchers, while providing additional firepower in the field. To maintain the absolutely overarching theme of Dark Iron shock troops, Mechagnomes will be considered on an individual basis. There is no uniform, but outfits should lean towards something in-theme.

Ranks & Rules

Unsurprisingly, the Imperial Flame has a very standardised rank structure. Advances are naturally earned through participation in guild activities (events, but also the individual culture of participation), and investing time and energy into your character and its position in the Sixth Cohort.

Ranks of the Sixth Cohort

For the Dark Iron constituents:

Captain - The primary command line, the commanding officer of the Sixth Cohort

Adjutant - The secondary command line, functioning as a step-in should the Captain be absent or otherwise unable to command

Sergeant - The tertiary command line, handles the day to day, functionally the quartermaster of the Sixth

Legionary - Veteran shock troops, experts of mechanized Dark Iron warfare

Guardsman - Regular infantrymen, yearning to become part of the esteemed Legionary

Reservist - Unassigned or unproven transfers or recruits

For the Mechagnomes:

Machinist - A proven and trusted Mechagnome with full access to the Sixth’s military technology

Technician - A proven Mechagnome with limited access to the Sixth’s military technology

Ancillary - A Mechagnome who has recently been transferred to the Sixth from Mechagon

The Imperial Flame relies on its constituents to follow a set of rules formalised and detailed on our discord, and it is paramount that all members of the guild observe and follow these rules to the letter. Breaches equals consequences levied to match the severity.

Rules of the Imperial Flame

The pillars of interaction:

I. All participants will observe and uphold themselves and each other to an agreeable standard founded in acceptance, tolerance and in the pursuit of a common desire to drive forward storytelling, character building - and more importantly, fun.

II. Disagreements within will be solved between involved parties, though rampant dirt-throwing will move itself to private channels. If unresolved, officer intercession can be requested / invite itself inside. Treat each other with respect, even if you stand on either side of a topic.

III. Disagreements without, such as with members of other guilds or communities, should be handled with extensive patience and respect, and if required, with an officer’s assistance to calm the waters. Your impression is a reflection of the whole, remember that.

The pillars of roleplaying:

I. All spatial channels remain sacred grounds in the world of roleplaying. Consider /say, /yell and /emote to be for in-character engagement only, especially in roleplaying environs.

II. Participation in events of any nature is not a strict requirement, but inactivity over extensive durations is the death of interaction and inter-character development. The Imperial Flame reserves the right to drop empty uniforms if no notice, appeal or other life-signs are given.

III. Please maintain a cordially intelligent form of belligerence in everyday soldiering jargon when in-character. You score bonus point with the captain if you use ‘kark’ in the place of the immersion-shattering f-word.

To summarise the above: Be civilised, be respectful and never do anything you wouldn’t do infront of your own parents.

Closing Statements

Once again, I want to thank you for dropping in to find out more about the Imperial Flame. We’re a tight-knit group of roleplayers looking to connect with the other guilds and roleplayers of Argent Dawn and get some creative storytelling going before The War Within launches, where the Imperial Flame deploys to the writhing depths below the Isle of Dorn.

If you’re interested in Dark Iron roleplay, establishing cooperative connections or looking for a fight (even better), be sure to reach out to me, Ironwyrm (in-game), or nickolai_71 on discord - alternatively poke anyone in the guild if they’re online and they’ll send you my way, no problem. With that said

àŒŒ Âșل͜ÂșàŒŒ Âșل͜ÂșàŒŒ Âșل͜Âș àŒœ EVERYONE! GET IN HERE!!! àŒŒ Âșل͜Âș àŒœÂșل͜Âș àŒœÂșل͜Âș àŒœ

Everyone, get in here!


As the first ambassador of Gnomekind within the Sixth Cohort I am thrilled by the prospects of our mutually beneficial cooperation.

The body count of exploded, irradiated, incinerated, dissected, bludgeoned, cursed, doomed and annihilated enemies will be immeasurable.


It’s great to see someone rekindle the imperial brazier once more; best of luck with the concept, fellers!


Had the absolute pleasure of fighting these guys during the Path of Glory’s Tiragarde Campaign and I would 100% recommend these guys as an amazing & fantastic guild to follow.

If you’re into your DI Dwarfs or a bit of sneaky RP-PVP these guys are definitely for you.

I cannot look more forward to further interactions with this team and I want to just say;

Welcome back. :saluting_face:


och, nice to see more dorfs around!


Fire and iron kinsman! Welcome back to the kiln! Right on time for a spicy period of dorf lore! :fire::rock::hammer:

See you around! :muscle:


Truly a fantastic crucible to forge the Imperial Flame’s beginnings. I’m looking forward to a rematch in other distant lands!

Thank you all for the positive feedback and well-wishes, I’m excited to return the Imperial Flame to its well-earned infamous and fiery glory - and I have a team full of Dark Iron gamers eager to see any mission through, no matter the danger.

If your Horde/Villain guild is looking for a fight in the near future, do not hesitate to drop me a quick message somehow, I’m always open to discussing the way ahead!

And, of course, if you’re considering Dwarf RP centered around furthering Dark Iron interests, I tend to be around in-game in the evenings, ready to answer any and all questions.

Cheers, Argent Dawn, it’s good to be back!