Has anyone seen this, or worse, actually done it?
Has anyone seen this, or worse, actually done it?
Yes the healer said ”OOM need to drink fast” but the tank kept pulling and died. They votekicked but I clicked no.
If you as a healer ever feel bad you can have a long big hug from this daddy.
Science has proven that the soft warm hug from a kultiran dramatically increases ones serotenin.
Yes and yes. I do it to those who try to do it someone else first.
As recently as last week I had a tank + mage who were clearly friends (same realm, same guild, spoke the same language). Mage ran ahead of the group and pulled more and more mobs to us. After our 3rd wipe in a freaking leveling dungeon the tank started a kick on another dps with the reason “pulling tard” even tho he knew it was the mage who did it. The vote failed and a few minutes later the other dps whispered me asking why there was a vote on me for bad heals (I was playing dps). Vote failed again and I put a vote to kick on the tank with “kick or I go” as reason to make it look like it was the tank who started the vote. Vote passed, mage raged and left. We got nice repalcements and finished the dungeon smoothly.
The drinking? Sure. The kicking? Yes. Just give a reason that aligns with what someone said and they will all click yes, without checking who they are actually kicking.
I invented it, also I posted that method in these forums more than 3 years ago.
God, blizzard should make a title after me.
“Benjamin is right, you just don’t know it yet”
My fav one ever.
At no point prior to the back end of May 2020 have I ever thought of this as a thing I wanted
It’s not exactly the same but I had to witness as the group I was in, initiated kick on the healer in Darkheart Thicket because “low damage” I pressed no but by the time I wrote in caps in chat THAT’S THE HEALER NOT A DPS it was too late the other idiots pressed yes, I couldn’t help myself but rage on them how stupid they are and then I got kicked too
Yes, I’ve done similar things multiple times. Most recently today, in a random heroic: I, 474 tank going for a 10-min run for a satchel was pulling the group through with ease, noone ever went below 90% HP, so the healer decided halfway through to spec shadow and DPS instead. One of the DPSers started to mock them, so I initiated a vote kick for said DPS: “Can’t heal a thing”.
It’s very satisfying.
That… is genius.
You are giving the kids fuel
That is hilarious, it also tells a lot at the state of things going on.
@OP, I always kicked healers that complain when I’m leveling, without flaming.
I know like it sounds like a douche thing, but if 4 people are enjoying the game, having fun and the healer is being a party pooper the group would be better without them.
I’m not sure if you noticed but the person kicked in the strip is the first person to insult the healer, not the healer as the healer started the kickvote.
I did notice, its poetic justice true and absolute genius.
And I was doing it 8 years ago… not like it’s some groundbreaking thing.
I was doing it 11 years ago, maybe more. In fact I did it on my first LFD.
I did it 16 years ago in alpha, coulda been 16 and a half of even three quarters ago… They had a dungeon finder there and I totally did it. On my very first one.
Expected Panda post.